10th Grade

Below are the 11 pathways designated for 10th grade. Beneath each one are the subtopics within that pathway that the curriculum committee deemed essential.

Click the title of the pathway to go directly to the NoRedInk website.

** Indicates that NoRedInk has a interactive tutorial for that particular subtopic.

Checkpoint: Commas for Formatting

Introducing Lists with Cue Words

Introducing Lists without Cue Words

Introductory Clauses and Phrases

Parenthetical Phrases

Commas Separating Adjectives**

Direct Address

Commas to Avoid Confusion

What does the Appositive Refer to?

Identifying Appositives

Commas with Appositives

Punctuating Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses**

Using Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses**

ID Complete and Incomplete Thoughts

Connecting Clauses

Connecting Clauses with THAMOs 3

Checkpoint: Connecting with THAMOs

Review: Connecting Clauses

Evaluating Commas with FANBOYS

Punctuating Compound Sentences with FANBOYS

Punctuating Compound Subjects, Objects, and Verbs

Checkpoint: Punctuating FANBOYS

Evaluating Commas with THAMOs

Punctuating THAMOs at the Beginning of a Sentence

Punctuating THAMOs at the End of a Sentence

Punctuating THAMOs in the Middle of a Sentence

Checkpoint: Recognizing SWABIs

Punctuating SWABIs at the Beginning of a Sentence

Punctuating SWABIs in the Middle of a Sentence

Checkpoint: Identifying Conjunctions

Checkpoint: Identifying the Function of Conjunctions

Lay vs. Lie vs.Laid vs. Lain

Later vs. Latter

Biased vs. Bias

Allusion vs. Illusion