MS Health and Physical Education Course Descriptions

Grade 6

Health and Physical Education 6

Course Code 410000

Students are offered a variety of challenging activities with an emphasis on fitness for life. In middle school, health and physical education classes are offered every other day. Students are exposed to instruction in anatomy and physiology, fitness planning, social development, and energy balance. In addition, a wide variety of activities including cooperative games, individual and dual sports, team sports, rhythmic activities, physical fitness testing, lifetime fitness, and recreational activities are offered. The 6th grade health curriculum includes instruction in diet and nutrition, stress and mental health, lifetime fitness and wellness, first aid and safety, communicable and noncommunicable diseases, gangs, bullying, health advocacy, and refusal strategies related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Family Life Education (FLE) is also included in this course.

Grade 7

Health and Physical Education 7

Course Code 420000

Students are offered a variety of challenging activities with an emphasis on fitness for life. In middle school, health and physical education classes are offered every other day. Students are exposed to instruction in anatomy and physiology, fitness planning, social development, and energy balance. In addition, a wide variety of activities including cooperative games, individual and dual sports, team sports, rhythmic activities, physical fitness testing, lifetime fitness, and recreational activities are offered. The 7th grade health curriculum expands upon previous instruction in diet and nutrition, stress and mental health, lifetime fitness and wellness, importance of sleep, heredity and illness, bullying, and the relationship of healthy body systems to overall wellness. Family Life Education (FLE) is also included in this course.

Grade 8

Health and Physical Education 8

Course Code 430000

Students are offered a variety of challenging activities with an emphasis on fitness for life. In middle school, health and physical education classes are offered every other day. Students are exposed to instruction in anatomy and physiology, fitness planning, social development, and energy balance. In addition, a wide variety of activities including cooperative games, individual and dual sports, team sports, rhythmic activities, physical fitness testing, lifetime fitness, and recreational activities are taught. The 8th grade health curriculum expands on topics previously covered, and also includes lifetime fitness and wellness, alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, weight management, eating disorders, depression and suicide, SMART goals, and the impact of exercise and diet on the body. Family Life Education (FLE) is also included in this course.