MS English Course Descriptions

Grade 6 

English 6  

Course Code 100000 (Grade Level); 100200 (Honors)

In sixth grade, students continue to build upon skills previously taught in earlier grades.  There is a continued emphasis on reading comprehension by comparing fiction and nonfiction texts. In fiction texts, students will identify elements of narrative structure including identifying themes and analyzing figurative language.  In sixth grade, there is an increased emphasis on nonfiction reading by creating objective summaries and drawing inferences using textual evidence. The student will begin the study of word origins and continue vocabulary development.

The student will also plan, draft, revise, and edit writing in a variety of forms with an emphasis on narrative and reflective writing. Students will continue to deliver multimodal presentations individually and in collaborative groups. Students will also interpret information presented in diverse media formats. The student will find, evaluate, and select appropriate resources for a research product and cite both primary and secondary sources. As in earlier grades, the meaning and consequences of plagiarism will be stressed. (VDOE, 2017)

Reading Strategies Workshop 

Course Code 101600

Prerequisite: Schools identify students eligible for this program

This course is for students whose reading performance indicates a need to strengthen basic reading skills and strategies, as well as to help students to prepare for the SOL tests. Instruction will focus on phonics, fluency, comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary, reading engagement, viewing, and test-taking. It will be differentiated according to students’ needs. The course will use materials that will assist students with reading in other courses.

Grade 7

English 7

Course Code 102000 (Grade Level); 102200 (Honors)

In seventh grade, students continue to build upon skills previously taught in earlier grades.  There is a continued emphasis on reading comprehension by comparing fiction and nonfiction texts. In fiction texts, students will identify elements of a variety of genres while focusing on an author’s style.  In seventh grade, there is an increased emphasis on nonfiction reading, and students will identify the source, point-of-view, and purpose of texts. The student will continue the study of word origins and roots and begin identifying connotations.  

The student will also plan, draft, revise, and edit writing in a variety of forms with an emphasis on expository and persuasive writing. Students will write to develop and modify a central idea, tone, and voice to fit the audience and purpose.  Students will continue to deliver multimodal presentations individually and in collaborative groups. Students will also interpret information presented in diverse media formats. Students share responsibility for collaborative work, as both a contributor and a facilitator, while working for consensus to accomplish goals. The student will apply research techniques to quote, summarize, and paraphrase research findings while properly citing sources. As in earlier grades, the meaning and consequences of plagiarism will be stressed. (VDOE, 2017)

Communication Studies

Course Code 115400 - Full Year

Elective This course introduces students to the basic principles of human communication, including interpersonal and small group, intercultural, and mediated (mass or electronic) communication and public speaking. Units of study focus on the communication process, qualities of competent communication, and the role of communication in developing relationships in a democracy. Emphasis will be on developing critical thinking skills and helping students develop their media literacy. This course is project-based; students will exhibit their learning through activities in publication (newspaper, yearbook, literary magazine), broadcast (radio, television, film), and/or public speaking (debate, drama).


Reading Strategies Workshop 

Course Code 103600

Prerequisite: Schools identify students eligible for this program

This course is for students whose reading performance indicates a need to strengthen basic reading skills and strategies, as well as to help students to prepare for the SOL test. Instruction will focus on phonics, fluency, comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary, reading engagement, viewing, and test-taking. It will be differentiated according to students’ needs. The course will use materials that will assist students with reading in other courses.

Grade 8

English 8 

Course Code 120000 (Grade Level); 120200 (Honors)

In eighth grade, students continue to build upon skills previously learned in earlier grades. There is a continued emphasis on reading comprehension by comparing fiction and nonfiction texts. In fiction texts, students will explain the development of theme(s) and compare/contrast authors’ styles.  In eighth grade, there will be an increased emphasis on nonfiction reading, and students will analyze authors’ qualifications, point-of-view, and style. The student will continue the study of word origins, roots, connotations, and denotations.

The student will also plan, draft, revise, and edit while writing in a variety of forms with an emphasis on expository and persuasive writing. Students will compose a thesis statement and defend a position with reasons and evidence. Students will evaluate, analyze, develop, and produce media messages. Students will create multimodal presentations that include different points-of-view, and collaborate with others to exchange ideas, make decisions, and solve problems. The student will apply research techniques to analyze information gathered from diverse sources by identifying misconceptions and possible bias.  Students will also cite primary and secondary sources using either MLA or APA style sheet. As in earlier grades, the meaning and consequences of plagiarism will be stressed. (VDOE, 2017)

Communication Studies 

Course Code 115400 - Full Year

Elective This course introduces students to the basic principles of human communication, including interpersonal and small group, intercultural, and mediated (mass or electronic) communication and public speaking. Units of study focus on the communication process, qualities of competent communication, and the role of communication in developing relationships in a democracy. Emphasis will be on developing critical thinking skills and helping students develop their media literacy. This course is project-based; students will exhibit their learning through activities in publication (newspaper, yearbook, literary magazine), broadcast (radio, television, film), and/or public speaking (debate, drama).

Reading Strategies Workshop Grade 8

Course Code 105600

Prerequisite: Schools identify students eligible for this program

This course is for students whose reading performance indicates a need to strengthen basic reading skills and strategies, as well as to help students to prepare for the SOL tests. Instruction will focus on phonics, fluency, comprehension, critical thinking, vocabulary, reading engagement, viewing, and test-taking. It will be differentiated according to students’ needs. The course will use materials that will assist students with reading in other courses.