Student Support and Leadership Development

Students in CTE programs — indeed, all students — come to schools and colleges with a range of needs that must be addressed in order for them to succeed in their studies and transition to future endeavors. Needs may range from transportation, child care, and translation services to mentoring and coaching for success in highly challenging CTE competitions and projects or with transitions to new career opportunities. This section addresses the range of services and programs that support and reinforce technical and academic learning, with an emphasis on the relationships — organizational or personal — that make these programs work. It also includes outreach to students for enrollment in CTE, which, in itself, promotes learning and success. Stakeholders emphasize the importance of enrolling students into CTE programs as a means to engage them and facilitate learning, and the subsequent importance of providing the support services necessary to ensure their success. 

A. Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO)

B. CTSO Work Plan

C. Leadership Activities Embedded Curriculum

D. All Students Participate 

E. Special Population Students Aware

F. Non-Traditional CTE Offerings