RENEW Program for Quantum - Networking Events

Note: The LBNL Networking Event has been moved to fully virtual due to changes in DOE COVID travel policy. The agenda for the LBNL event is now available.

Program Overview

Reaching a New Energy Sciences Workforce (RENEW) aims to build foundations for Office of Science (SC) research at institutions historically underrepresented in the SC research portfolio. RENEW leverages SC’s unique national laboratories, user facilities, and other research infrastructures to provide training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty at academic institutions not currently well represented in the U.S. science and technology ecosystem. The hands-on experiences gained through the RENEW initiative will open new career avenues for the participants, forming a nucleus for a future pool of talented young scientists, engineers, and technicians with the critical skills and expertise needed for the full breadth of SC research activities. Principal investigators, key personnel, postdoctoral researchers, and students of RENEW awards will be invited to participate in program research meetings and/or SC-wide professional development events.

The Department of Energy’s Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program office seeks to establish new collaborations to:

  • Strengthen or establish new quantum computing and networking research collaborations between DOE labs and faculty who want to redirect their research into quantum computing and/or networking and write more competitive proposals

  • Expand opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in quantum computing and networking by supporting faculty (and departments) to include QIS topics in course offerings

  • Facilitate access to infrastructure for students to get hands-on lab experience to address an identified barrier to entry in quantum information science and technology (QIST) workforce training

The funding opportunity announcement for ASCR-RENEW and additional information is available on the DOE Office of Science website.

RENEW Networking Events

The goal of ASCR’s RENEW program is to increase participation of underrepresented groups in the quantum computing and networking workforce and to increase participation of underrepresented institutions in quantum computing and networking workforce training. To facilitate this goal, ASCR is supporting two regionally focused networking events to foster partnering and exploration of potential collaboration topics. Each event will host a small group of national laboratory participants and participants from potential partner institutions.

The workshops will be hosted at National Laboratories and scheduled for:

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, June 29 - July 1, 2022. Agenda

  • Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 13 - 15, 2022

If you are interested in joining the public sessions via Zoom, please complete this application form and select "Remote Only."

Select sessions will be available to the public as webinars. If you are interested in joining these, please complete the application form note only remote participation.

Contact Information

For questions or further information, please contact:

  • Chris Spitzer, LBNL,

  • Travis Humble, ORNL,