CWRF 2020 Status
The IOC and SPC have decided to cancel the CWRF 2020 event due to the ongoing international and domestic travel restrictions enacted to combat the COVID-19 virus pandemic. This cancelation of the June event does not diminish LBNL’s commitment to host the next CWRF workshop in the bay area. LBNL will coordinate with the IOC and SPC to evaluate and plan the next workshop.
11th Continuous Wave and High Average RF Power Workshop
Berkeley, CA
Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryWelcome to CWRF
The 11th Continuous Wave and High Average Power RF Workshop will be hosted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) in Berkeley, California. The goal of this workshop is to share the experience and ideas on applications which utilizes high-power klystrons, gridded tubes, combined solid-state architecture, high-voltage power supplies, high voltage modulators, high-power RF systems and novel ways of the RF power generation and distribution will also be discussed. During the workshop, a site tour of the LBNL’s Advanced Light Source (ALS) will be offered.
Located in the beautiful San Francisco area, Berkeley is the home of University of California (UC) Berkeley, the Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Art Archive, the Lawrence Hall of Science, and the UC Botanical Garden. We are located near San Francisco and Oakland where you can find additional culturally significant activities and entertainment options.
Contacts: Local Organizing Committee