6th International

Diffraction Limited Storage Ring (DLSR) Workshop

October 29-31, 2018


The 6th Diffraction Limited Storage Ring (DLSR) Workshop will be hosted by the Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory on October 29-31, 2018.

As in previous years, the workshop will address both the technical challenges and the new research opportunities at fourth-generation X-ray facilities enabled by multibend achromat lattices. The very low electron beam emittance that will be available at these new and upgraded facilities will enable dramatic improvements in many areas of x-ray science, especially for experiments that directly require transversely coherent X-ray wavefronts. The workshop will focus on the design, construction, commissioning, and operation of accelerator, beamline, and experimental systems that will be required to enable these emerging science opportunities.


  • Elke Arenholz (Co-Chair for Science) Email: EArenholz [at] lbl.gov
  • Simon Leemann (Co-Chair for Accelerators) Email: SCLeemann [at] lbl.gov
  • Kenneth Goldberg (Co-Chair for Experimental Systems) Email: KAGoldberg [at] lbl.gov


Registration is now closed.

*SATELLITE MEETING*: BES Light Sources Beam Stability Workshop (Separate Registration Required)