Art Ritchie

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Art Ritchie

In the early 1980s my boss, Henry Lancaster, asked me to join Steve Magyary in designing the ALS computer control system. Steve and I were at the Superq HILAC and had just finished a novel control system for some new hardware at the HILAC. It was based on Intel's SBC-8612A, which was a single board computer. We decided to design a second generation for the ALS. We had just finished a conceptual design including cost estimates and a project schedule time line when my boss asked me to move to Building 46. That move involved supervising a group of electronics engineering associates yet to be hired, and setting up an electronics maintenance shop in Building 80 and an electronics fabrication shop also in Building 80. I selected Marv Nolan to supervise the maintenance shop and George Carmignani to run the fabrication shop. Both came from the HILAC. I was able to hire some top electronic techs from other parts of the lab to fill the engineering associates positions. I hired one associate for each of the major parts of the ALS except the Radiation Safety System (RSS). Those included RF, Magnets, Computer Controls, Vacuum, Beam Instrumentation and Beam Lines. I designed the RSS. Those included Ken Baptiste, Barry Bailey, Paul Molinari, Tom Downs, Al Geyer and Ken Woolfe. I also designed the ALS Control Room. We brought onboard Moises Balagot to design printed wiring boards and assist in keeping drawings updated, I set up a drawing control system and acquired several series of drawing numbers from the Print Room. Each series allowed for 1,000 drawings. I set up a purchase order system and wire tables. And trained all of the engineering associates how everything worked. With that team in place we got the job done.

Top left: ALS Control

Top right: Art's Safety Intercom System in 1991

Bottom left: Lockout Gang

Bottom right: ALS Crew