3 Year Old Tuition 

The three year old class is tuition based program open to students that turn three by September 1st each year. 

The program is located in the Lawton Elementary School building and is housed in the Lawton Kids First Childcare.

The 3 year old class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00-11:00 am. 


The program follows the Creative Curriculum, which is a developmentally appropriate research based curriculum that focuses on building social, emotional and academic skills through play.  The classroom is set up to reflect the curriculum with interest areas- art, music/movement, library, discovery, pretend play, blocks, toy and game area,  and sand/water (sensory area).  Through play, and small, and large group activities students are introduced to social and academic concepts. 

The 3 year old program is a beginning step to preparing students for school.  The class focuses on social/emotional skills and building confidence in those areas using music, art, science, literacy and math.  Students are exposed to beginning concepts through play and hands on experiences.

Tuition for this class a yearly fee and monthly payment arrangements can be made. 

Yearly Tuition:  $963.00  or 9 monthly payments of $107.00 from September to May.

If you are interested in enrolling or for more information, 

please fill out the Preschool interest form or 

send an email using the button  below or  by calling :

 Anne Wokeck :  269-624-7676

This website is currently under construction and new info. and forms will be added over the summer months .

Thank  you for your patience !