5th Grade Syllabus

Course Syllabus

Course Title: History

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Instructor: Amy Brandon, Heather Koeberl, Ericka Lang, Jennifer Morris, Jeff Wynne

Planning Time: 10:57-11:47 (Mr. Wynne's -1:11-2:01)

School Phone Number: 580-7279

Course Description:

The fifth grade history curriculum includes American history, United States geography, government, and economics. Students will learn about Native Americans and explorers who made significant discoveries that have affected our history. Students will discuss the causes and effects of wars fought from the colonial years through the Civil War. Early settlements and their movement westward will also be taught. Students will learn basic economic terminology and how we deal with economics in everyday life. Students will learn the three basic branches and levels of government along with their responsibilities.

Course Objectives:

The student will:

*identify ideas/principles in the Declaration of Independence, U. S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights.

*summarize Native American cultures.

*outline the discovery, exploration, and early settlements of America.

*identify/explain causes and effects of American Revolution.

*investigate causes/consequences of westward movement.

*examine cultural interactions.

*identify causes/consequences of the Civil War.

*identify limited/unlimited governments.

*distinguish between local, state, and national governments.

*define and apply economic concepts.

*identify role of technology in our economy.

*construct and use maps.

*use geographic research sources to answer questions.

*identify different kinds of regions in the U. S.

Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities:

Lecturing, oral reading, silent reading, individual work, cooperative learning, oral reports, written reports, projects

Student Grade Will be Based Upon:

Grades are based on total points for daily work, participation, reports, projects, quizzes, and tests.