Bell High School Academic Decathlon

Interested? Please complete the interest form or

contact Coach Wilson at

Do you enjoy learning?

Are you competitive?

Do you love a challenge?

Decathlon may be the right place for you!

Academic Decathlon is a national competition that tests students’ expertise in seven objective and three subjective areas. Each year, a new theme provides a focus for the study of math, literature, art, music, economics, history, and science. Additionally, students deliver prepared and improvised speeches, engage in an interview, compose an essay, and collaborate in the final event: Super Quiz.

All GPA Levels Welcome! All Grade Levels Welcome!

Students compete in 10 Academic Subjects

  1. Art

  2. Music

  3. Social Science

  4. Literature

  5. Science

  6. Math

  7. Economics

  8. Speech

  9. Interview

  10. Essay


The final event of the competition is a team event that includes questions from the 7 objective subjects

9 Members

3 Categories

3 Honor Students

3 Scholastic Students

3 Varsity Students