Laudato Si Animators - who are we?

We are a dedicated group (+160!) of people from England and Wales, from different backgrounds, counties and even churches gathering in Circles and bi-monthly at online meetings to bring Laudato Si' to life. We deepen our eco-spirituality, work on our eco-conversion to reduce our carbon footprint and we encourage each other to join advocacy activities in the UK to speak up for climate justice and social justice as we train our ears to "listen to the cry of the Earth and to the cry of the Poor" (LS)

 John Woodhouse is a retired librarian who co-ordinates the animators chairing and writing the minutes of our zoom meetings and sending on information. He lives in South London and is married to Liz. They have 3 children and 3 grandsons who are the main reason for his involvement. He plays the organ and sings tenor, paints in oils and enjoys opera and the Proms. He organises the Westminster Cathedral interfaith group. He is also a trained spiritual director and a Catenian. 

Laudato Si Animators at The Big One (April 21-24, 2023)

About LSM 

The Laudato Si Movement, also known as the Laudato Si' Movement or Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM), is a global network of individuals, organizations, and communities within the Catholic Church who are dedicated to addressing environmental and climate issues in alignment with the teachings of Pope Francis's encyclical, "Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home." The encyclical, published in 2015, emphasizes the moral and ethical responsibility of Catholics and all people to care for the environment and work towards sustainable, just, and inclusive development.

The Laudato Si Movement aims to mobilize the Catholic Church and its members to take concrete actions to protect the planet, promote environmental stewardship, and advocate for climate justice. 


Here are some useful resources on "Laudato Si'" and "Laudate Deum":