Tree Tops Primary Academy Newsletter

February 2023

Message from Miss White 

As we come to the end of this term, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all that we have accomplished together. Despite the cold weather, we have remained warm and focused, and I am proud of the hard work and dedication of our pupils and staff.

Year 4 has had a great time during their weekly swimming sessions, and Year 6 has shown tremendous effort and progress during their mock SATs. Our pupils continue to impress and inspire us every day.

Next term is full of exciting events, including Book Week, Comic Relief, and a visit to Howletts Zoo for Year 1. Be sure to keep an eye on your MCAS app and emails for any updates and information you may need to know.

We have taken your responses to the recent parent survey seriously and have acted upon the concerns raised. A significant number of respondents expressed worries about the end of the school day and the crowds at the school gate. In response to these concerns, we have decided that Year 4 pupils will now be departing from the Brishing Lane pedestrian gate, with the aim of alleviating congestion and improving safety for everyone. We hope that this change will address the concerns raised and we will continue to monitor the situation and make any necessary adjustments to ensure the best possible experience for our pupils and families. 

I look forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday, February 20th 2023, for another fantastic term filled with learning, growth, and fun.

Wishing you all a happy and restful break.

Miss White | Principal

Woodpecker class—year 5

In Woodpecker Class this term, we have been learning all about Earth and Space. We have looked at the order of the planets and how they move in our Solar System, and we have also learned about how we get day and night on Earth and how the Sun appears to move across the sky during the day. We have really enjoyed Art this term, where we have been creating our own ‘Space Art’ in the style of Peter Thorpe, combining a space-themed foreground with an abstract background. It was great fun!


Robins and Sparrows—EYFS

We went into Space in a rocket! We saw aliens and we landed on the moon. It was fun! We took our torches so we could see where we were going. We like singing the ‘Solar System’ song. We found out that there are lots of planets.  Uranus is the coldest planet in our Solar System. It was funny when the aliens stole the underpants. We made them some new ones.

Magpie class—year 3

We have been learning about Henri Matisse. He made paper-cut outs. He started making these because he was an old man. One of his most famous paper-cut outs is ‘The snail’. It has vibrant coloured paper in a spiral shape. He was a truly great artist, so much so, that we even made our own paper-cut outs. We choose black or white paper as the background and then we cut out different coloured paper. We arranged them until we were happy with the way they looked. Finally we stuck them down. When We finished it was amazing! My picture was of some angry birds! 

By Isabelle

Chaffinch class—year 1

Self-portraits - by Elio and Meher

We painted our self-portraits. Before we started we took photos of our faces with the iPads. We looked very carefully and sketched our eyes, noses, ears and mouth in our art books. Then we were ready to paint our pictures. First we painted our skin and then we let it dry. Then we painted our eyes, noses, eyebrows and eyelashes . We tried not to forget anything!

Blue Bird's Community Cafe

Blue Bird's Community Cafe runs once a week, on Thursday, from 8.45am - 10.30 am .  We provide hot and cold drinks and snacks for a small donation.  Toys available for small children to play with while you have a chat with your friends.  We are very lucky to have it managed by one of our parents. 

We are currently able to offer hot breakfast items with your hot drinks at no cost to you.

We are hoping for members of the community to hold 'surgeries' in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on our social media for more information.    

With Immediate Effect We Are A Nut Free School

We have a number of children who have a severe, potentially life threatening nut allergies.  The school is therefore now with immediate effect a NUT FREE zone.  Please ensure that your child does not bring any nuts or food items to school which have nuts as a listed ingredient, thank you. 

Absences/late arrivals

It is really important that children are in school every day. 

All absences are being marked as unauthorised and could result in a fine. 

Olive Dining

School dinners cost £2.45 a day (£12.25 a week) and Olive Dining have asked that this is paid on a Monday. Menus can be found on our website. Please pay in advance via the MCAS app.


Please only send in healthy lunches. No sweets and chocolate are allowed in school. Water only in bottles

Early Birds & Night Owls

Before and after school childcare provision. 

Early Birds - £2 weekly or 50p per session 

Night Owls - time now runs to 5.30pm  

If your child attends 3.15pm - 4.30pm - £3 per session

If your child attends 3.15pm - 5.30pm - £7.50 per session (This MUST be booked in advance)

Please pay via the MCAS app 

If you have any questions about upcoming events in the calendar please call the office or send an email to the address below.

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School Office: 01622 754888

Mobile: 07828 622166
