
22nd September 2022


Oliver Jeffers - 94.6%

Julia Donaldson - 93%

Banksy -  95%

Maya Angelou  -  96%

Paul O'Grady -   91%

Steve Backshall -88%

Emmeline Pankhurst -99%

David Attenborough -94%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 94%

Well done to Banksy class for having the best attendance this week for KS1.  In KS2 this week, Emmeline Pankhurst class were almost at 100% so achieved the best attendance this week, well done!  We are still not achieving our whole school attendance aim of 96% so we still need to ensure that the children are attending school. There is an attendance feature below this week so please read this. 

PYP Learner Attribute Awards

Oliver Jeffers Class - Henry (Risk-taker) & Maeve (Thinker)

Julia Donaldson Class - Freddie(Inquirer) & Macie (Caring)

Banksy Class -LaRosa (Reflective) & Sydney (Principled)

Maya Angelou Class - Lauren (Thinker) & Graci (Reflective)

Paul O'Grady Class - Ivy (Balanced) & Ellis P(Inquirer)

Steve Backshall Class - Daisy (Principled) & Florence (Inquirer)

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -Aurora-Emma  (Principled) & Daniel (Inquirer)

David Attenborough Class - Thomas (Caring) & Rose (Reflective)

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Oliver Jeffers Class - Nellie A

Julia Donaldson Class - Ananya

Banksy Class -  Finn

Maya Angelou Class - Charlie

Paul O'Grady Class - Frankie

Steve Backshall Class -Graci

Emmeline Pankhurst Class - Lexi

David Attenborough Class - Summer

Readers of the Week

Each time your child reads, they will receive one point for their class. At the end of each week, points will be counted and the winning class will receive a whole class reward. These points will continue to be tallied up and at the end of each module.  

Congratulations to David Attenborough Class for winning for the third week in a row with a total of 216 reading points. 

Oliver Jeffers Class - Ava

Julia Donaldson Class - Harrison

Banksy Class -  Harleigh-May

Maya Angelo Class -  Mason

Paul O'Grady Class - Brayden

Steve Backshall Class - Nikolaos 

Emmeline Pankhurst Class -  Lily FG

David Attenborough Class - Megan

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

Julia Donaldson

This week, Year 1 have looked at the inquiry of 'Animals in our local area'. We have been exploring different animals in our tuff trays, began studying a new book called 'Alan's Big Scary Teeth' and researched different animal groups and presented their findings to the rest of the class. I have been particularly impressed with their descriptions of Alan the crocodile and their inquiry skills around the animal groups (mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles). 

Emmeline Pankhurst

This week, Year 5 have written a press release warning immortals about the escape of Prisoner 42 - based on our class text "Who Let the Gods Out?" In our inquiry lessons this module, we have explored both Ancient Greece and Modern Greece and have been able to work out the average temperatures in Greece and compare this to the UK. We presented our findings on a line graph. 

We have also started to inquire into how humans have changed and developed over time. In Science, we have been looking at how we change throughout our lives.  We have described the changes as humans develop to old age and researched how the foetus grows in the womb at different stages.  We put our findings into a graph which shows the average length or weight of a foetus at different stages.

School information


PEPA is committed to ensuring all children achieve their full academic potential and believe that good attendance means good learning.

In conjunction with Medway Council Attendance Advisory Service to Schools and Academies (AASSA) we will be monitoring your child's attendance.

In the event of 10 unauthorised sessions recorded, a referral may be made to AASSA. If your child incurs 10 sessions of unauthorised absence in a six week school period, a penalty notice may be issued resulting in a £60 penalty notice, increasing to £120 if not paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the penalty notice, within 28 days will result in a court prosecution for your child's irregular school attendance.

If a child is kept off from school due to illness for 4 or more days and medical advice has not been sought (proof of which will need to be provided) then we would not be able to authorise these days (as stated in our Attendance Policy).

Holidays during term time - When a child is absent from school due to a holiday, he or she misses not only the teaching provided but is also less prepared for the lessons after his or her return.  This not only has an impact on their learning but also their well being as children then have gaps in their learning and fall behind their peers. 

Please be aware that parents will be invited into school to discuss their child's attendance with the Principal and Attendance Officer should this become a cause for concern.

Parents are able to monitor their child's attendance through the School MCAS App.




If your child is on the SEND register, you would have recently received a letter containing a link to complete the parent and pupil voice for your child's Support Plan. If you haven't received this please let us know. This will support us in creating meaningful targets and provision for your child.

If your child has an EHCP I will be contacting you soon to discuss the annual review process and possible dates for meetings.

In November I will be holding the first SENCO surgery of the year for parents and Carers  to sign up to. The dates will be split across Peninsula East Primary Academy and High Halstow Primary Academy. You are welcome to sign up for a slot at either site. More information will be sent out soon for these.

As always, if you are concerned about your child, the progress they are making or any other concerns please speak with your child's class teacher in the first instance, as they are best placed to answer any questions or discuss support that could be put in place within the classroom setting.

School Council representatives 

On Thursday, each class voted for their school council representatives. We saw some excellent presentations and it was a very difficult decision! Congratulations to the following children who have been elected as school council for this academic year.

Nursery and Reception classes will be represented by our Head boy, Head girl and deputies. 

Julia Donaldson Class - Jamie & Hannah

Banksy Class - Eddie & Sydney

Maya Angelo Class - Vencel & Freya T

Paul O'Grady Class - Joseph & Darcie

Steve Backshall Class - Richard & Frankie

Emmeline Pankhurst Class  - Cooper & Lexi

Sir David Attenbrough Class - Charlie