
21 April 2023


Oliver Jeffers - 97.2%

Julia Donaldson - 97.5%

Steve Irwin -  94%

Walt Disney -   91%

Marcus Rashford  -  91%

Lewis Hamilton -  98%

Helen Sharman  - 99%

Benjamin Zephaniah - 95%

Peninsula East Primary Academy  - 95%

Well done to Julia Donaldson class for having the best attendance this week in KS1, they have done really well with their attendance in the first full week back.  In KS2 this week, Helen Sharman class achieved the best attendance so well done to them too.  Our whole school attendance is fantastic this week so well done to all and what a fabulous start to the term. 

Reflective Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Macie 

Julia Donaldson Class - Ryleigh

Steve Irwin Class - Jackson

Walt Disney Class - Ivy

Marcus Rashford Class - Ivy 

Lewis Hamilton Class - Phoebe

Helen Sharman Class - Harrison 

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Liam

WOW Writer Awards

Congratulations to these children for fantastic writing this week...

Julia Donaldson Class - Sydney

Steve Irwin Class -  Olivia

Walt Disney Class - Lillie

Marcus Rashford Class - Vinnie

Lewis Hamilton Class - Christopher

Helen Sharman Class - Grace 

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Morgan 

Knowledgeable Award

Oliver Jeffers Class - Ananya

Julia Donaldson Class - Piper

Steve Irwin Class - Callie

Walt Disney Class - Frankie

Marcus Rashford Class -  Sadie-Rae

Lewis Hamilton Class -Aimee

Helen Sharman Class - Megan-Lilly 

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Ibrahim

Our Wonderful Inquiry Work 

                                       Steve Irwin

This week, we have explored community and belonging through RE and looked at how  Muslims are welcomed into their faith. We have explored a mosque and also the Aqiqah ceremony which is a celebration that takes place when a new baby is born and welcomed into the Muslim faith. 

Lewis Hamilton

This week in Lewis Hamilton Class, we have begun our inquiry this term as Scientists by looking at sound and how it is made.  The children have enjoyed exploring how the different parts of our Ears perform different functions to help our brain hear the vibrations that travel through the air. They worked hard to draw diagrams to demonstrate pitch and have researched sound proofing to plan their own sound installation experiment.  Lewis Hamilton Class also wanted to take this opportunity to share how hard they have worked writing a diary entry from the perspective of a Roman soldier.  Although this was on the last few days of Term 4, they still asked to share this on our newsletter contribution! 

School information

Buster's Book Club

Congratulations to Walt Disney class this week for having the most readers in their class. It is fantastic to see such great commitment to their daily reading. Keep it up!

Star Readers of the week:

Steve Irwin Class - Freya T

Marcus Rashford Class - Florence

Walt Disney Class - Brayden

Lewis Hamilton Class - Aimee

Helen Sharman Class - Phoebe

Benjamin Zephaniah Class - Lola

Reminder to check key events

Please remember to check our Key Events Calendar which was sent for Module 5.  We have some exciting events coming up to enjoy in school. Letters detailing events, such as the Kings and Queens Day for the King's Coronation, will be sent separately to provide further information. 

Please let us know if you are any experiencing any problems in accessing My Child At School at all and the office will be able to assist you with this. 

Well-being Group

This week, Miss Heard and the Well-being Group met to discuss the summer terms. We are busily working on a brand new display to enter into the 'Sun Safe Schools' competition, which will show us all some reminders of how to keep safe and look after ourselves in the warmer weather. 

We will shortly be sharing details of our Sun Safe School Policy with parents, carers and pupils and we hope to become an accredited school by the end of the module.

Thank you to the pupils for their hard work in preparing this display. We look forward to sharing our assembly with the rest of the school soon!

Our Well-being group were also really enthusiastic that all children in the school had access to Arlo for their well-being and so we have implemented a weekly timetable for him to visit classrooms.