How can I contact Quincy?

Quincy is always open for questions and comments at his email: This is where you can also reach out with concerns pertaining to Lucy Westenra's disappearance.

Where can I find Quincy next?

After Quincy wraps up his time in Whitby, he plans to head to the Reno Rodeo in Nevada for his next competition.

How experienced is Quincy?

Quincy has devoted his entire life to winning as much as possible. To date, he's attended over 200 rodeo championships nationwide.

Can I send fan mail?

Not at the moment. Quincy is currently residing with his childhood friend Arthur, and finding the cause of Lucy's disappearance is his primary concern. Additionally, Arthur has refused to allow any pieces of fan mail to be sent to his home.

Which horse is Quincy's favorite?

Although Quincy doesn't like to pick favorites, he's partial to his longtime companion and rodeo superstar: Little Yeller.