Dirksen's Humble Upbringing

Dirksen's Humble Upbringing was a virtual presentation with Tiffany White.

Program Recording

The program was recorded and is closed-captioned using auto-generated technology. Click "cc" to enable captions.  Enjoy! 

About the Presenter

Tiffany White currently serves as the Director of the Dirksen Congressional Center in Everett McKinley Dirksen’s hometown of Pekin, Illinois. Dirksen served as the Senate minority leader throughout the 1960s and was instrumental in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  The Center’s mission is to enhance the public’s understanding of Congress, its People, and its policies. White has spent most of her career in legislative government and not-for-profit management, having served as a Congressional Staffer in the 18th District of Illinois and as Chief of Staff to former State Representative Mike Unes (R-91).  Personally, she is a lifelong student of political communication and a champion of principled leadership and civility in public discourse. 

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