Texas Success Intiative Assessment (TSIA) 2.0

Who: The TSIA 2 Prep Progam is for incoming P-TECH and SPECA students, and for any students who will want to take a college-level course in high school. All students in grades 9-12 are welcomed to join this program.

What: The TSIA 2 Prep Program will help students master the skills needed to pass the Reading, Writing, and Math portions of the TSIA 2 Assessment. Using a program called Mastery Prep, teachers will be able to go through test preparation practice with their students as they prepare for this assessment.

Where: Dr. Leonides G. Cigarroa High School


June 2nd- June 25th


9:00 AM -1:00 PM

Breakfast and Lunch will be provided

Why: The TSIA 2 Assessment is required for anyone who will take a college-level course. This assessment indicates College Readiness, or in other words, how prepared the student is to be successful in a college-level course.

To learn more about the TSIA 2 Assessment, click on the following link: https://accuplacer.collegeboard.org/accuplacer/pdf/tsia2-student-informational-brochure.pdf

Ready to sign up or would you like more information?

Click on the following link: https://forms.gle/kATRrY5Rqf79RkWq8

Students must be logged into their Laredo ISD account to access the form. One response per student is allowed.