CaPitol project Levy

Why Vote to Support the Project Levy?

District 306 has performed an assessment of the district capital needs. Based on the review, the district has two primary issues; an aging building and outdated technology equipment. All of this is needed to help ensure Laporte students have the opportunity for equality with other school districts and meet our mission to challenge our students to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for lifelong learning and responsible citizenship. Thus, the district will ask district voters to consider a capital projects levy on November 3, 2020.

What is the Proposed Capital Project Levy?

The proposed capital project levy authorization will raise approximately 300,000 in the first year it is levied. 2020, for taxes payable in 2021, and would be authorized for 10 years The estimated total cost of the Project to be funded over that time periods approximately 3,000,000.

What Areas of the Project Are There?

The most critical of these deficiencies is the anticipated maintenance of the buildings. The roof consists of various, materials ages, and conditions with many valleys and seams. We have experienced water leaks and a collapsed portion last spring. We also anticipate replacing flooring as well as boilers and update the HVAC system, phone system, security system and camera systems.

Our second areas of deficiency is in our technology. We need to upgrade our teacher computers to be compliant with and support Windows 10. We need to upgrade our bandwidth and servers as well as our amplification systems and student devices.

Building Maintenance of the Building

  • Roof Repair and Maintenance

  • Replacement Flooring

  • Update Boilers

  • Update HVAC

  • Update Security Systems


  • Update servers, increase bandwidth

  • Teacher Devices that support Windows 10

  • Student Devices

  • Update Amplification Systems

  • Update Phone System

  • Update Camera Systems