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Principal's Message

This week has been a very challenging one with a number of staff and pupil absences due to the persistent situation with Covid. We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding with this. We are trying as hard as possible to keep learning and routines as consistent as we can.

Last Friday, as you know, we had the athlete Darren Challis visit the children. The children had so much fun joining in with the sponsored fitness circuit and were interested in asking Darren some really pertinent questions about his life experiences. He was certainly very inspiring in how he has overcome so many obstacles in life to be where he is today. Thank you to all of the families who raised so much sponsor money and, of course, a huge thank you to Mr Humphrey for organising this for our children.

Miss Brading

Office Reminders:

Please be advised that the Kent Community Health team will be visiting the school on Monday 21st February 2022.

They will be seeing all children in our Reception classes for the Vision and NCMP (National Child Measurement Programme).

They will also see all children in our Year 6 class for NCMP only.

They will be in contact with you prior to this date.

Thank you.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Willow's Corner

I had so much fun participating in our circuit challenges last week. I had fun meeting our guest athlete Darren, I joined Apollo and Discovery Class to take part in our circuit challenges! I had to show the children my version of spotty dogs as well as my jumping and lunging skills.

I joined Discovery Class for Doh-Disco. I love the smell of the playdoh! I was using my paws to manipulate it. With Pazazz Class I have been learning all about teeth! The children compared my teeth to theirs...we found lots of similarities between them.

I am celebrating my second birthday on Saturday. Mrs Dunn tells me we have a special day planned. Keep an eye on my Google Classroom to find out what we get up to. I hope there are treats involved!


Our AGM has been postponed to Tuesday 1st February at 3:45pm in Jubilee Class.

Any nominations must be in the orange post box outside of the school office by Monday 31st January 2022.

Forest School Update:

We are sending our apologies that Forest School has not taken place this week, we hope it will be running next week. Please keep an eye out for any messages from the office.

National Online Safety Guide

Live streaming is the term used to describe the broadcast of a real time video from a mobile device, tablet or games console. Many live streaming apps have functionality for interactions from viewers, such as commenting, live chats and sending reactions during the broadcast. Live streaming opens up a world of excitement for children, where they can watch live concerts, their favourite celebrities and bloggers/vloggers, connect with their friends, watch live gaming and much, much more.

In this guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as online grooming, privacy & security and online reputation.

Seedlings Nursery

Golden Apple


Alaya has been a great thinker this week. She worked hard to carefully place the gems onto the 2D shapes in nursery, using her words to talk about the different shapes well.

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


Arthur has been a very reflective and caring learner this week. We are so proud of how Arthur has come into school with a smile on his face and risen to the challenge of being a great helper in class. Keep up the great work Arthur!

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For being a fantastic inquirer this week. Pearly has demonstrated her knowledge about owls in a variety of ways. She has recorded her own story map based on the story ‘Owl Babies’, researched into where they live and communicated with others facts about them. Pearly has been open minded when thinking about what we can do to protect them too. An amazing week of learning Pearly!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


Being a risk-taker and having focus by working independently in inquiry-based lessons.

Well done Prastish!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple

Tommy H

Well done Tommy! You’ve had a super first week at Langley. You have been a great inquirer and asked lots of questions about our Unit of Inquiry. You also have shown how knowledgeable you are by challenging yourself when looking at related facts.

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


Being a great communicator this week when explaining the process of how to exchange tens and ones when adding and subtracting.

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


Being a good thinker this week when adding and subtracting numbers that involved grouping and exchanging. He grew in confidence and was a good communicator in explaining the process to the class. Well done!

Pip & Bramley Class



For being exceptionally knowledgeable in maths this week when learning about fractions, decimals and percentages.

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple

Fortune Class

Fortune class have been very caring towards their adults this week. They have been independent inquirers by completing their own research about an interesting animal and then writing about it in their chosen genre. They have all been risk-takers by trying to do this independently! Well done!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


Being knowledgeable about the eight times table. Adam has been reflective when looking for patterns in his times tables.

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


Evie has been a super inquirer this week when investigating the artefacts in our Greek Museum box and has found out how many different items were used in the Greek era.

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple

Amelia W

For being super knowledgeable in Science Club this week when she could explain what she thought might happen in the experiment! Well done Amelia!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple

Amelia P

Amelia has enthusiastically participated in discussions around reading, being caring towards her peers and helping them with ideas and also being reflective in her work. Keep it up Amelia!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


Lola has been an Inquirer this week by using research methods to collect information on the Vikings. She has shown consistency and determination throughout the week. Great work Lola!

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


Being a wonderful inquirer this week. Lucy has communicated brilliantly when discussing the mistakes that happened in order for the Victorians to learn more about the human body.

Great work, Lucy!