

Principal's Message

We were so pleased to welcome parents and carers to our face to face consultation evenings this week. We also had our EYFS Afternoon Tea taking place for Mother's Day. It has been incredible having more events taking place at the academy and there has was a wonderful buzz in the school as a result.

We have noticed that a number of our children are finding it challenging to resolve conflict with friends positively. The academy is working hard at finding sustainable solutions to this in order to rebuild the children's skillset in this area to ensure that the school day is as harmonious as can be. This can be really helped by our own behaviour on site and how we are interacting with each other. We have to insist that if you require further clarification or information about something that has happened during the school day then, instead of speaking to other parents, please speak to the class teacher to get all of the full information. It is so important for our children to see us working in partnership with each other and using the appropriate channels to resolve situations.

Next week is another very busy week with lots of exciting events taking place such as workshops and trips. We will be looking forward to sharing the fun that children had whilst taking part in them.

Next week will also be our last week of term and so our last day is Friday 1st April.

Miss S Brading

Office Reminders:

Breakfast and After School Club Accounts

Office staff are currently undertaking a review of the accounts of those parents and carers whose children attend our Breakfast and After School Club. As we approach the end of Term 4, and with the deadline for booking April sessions being Monday 28th March, please ensure that your account is completely up to date. If you believe that you may have payments outstanding, either for sessions attended in the past or for sessions booked for April, please do ensure that these are made via the My Child at School system without further delay.


There continue to be a number of parents and carers who are not contacting the school when their child is absent in order to provide a reason. Please can we ask that this is adhered to each and every day that your child is absent; you can leave a voice message if staff are unable to answer the phone at the time of your call, or you can send an email, however it is important that you do contact the school before 9.15am to inform us of a reason for your child's absence.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Willow's Corner

What a wonderful week we have all had this week! I have loved learning outside this week! I went with Discovery to the Forest School and helped the children find lots of worms for the wormeries they made! I wasn't too keen on getting my paws muddy though! I also had my first encounter with balloons this week. Melrose Class used them to power their cars! I felt a little scared so I needed lots of cuddles and reassurance to feel safe again! Thank you for looking after me Melrose and enjoy the sunshine everyone!

Key Dates:

30th March - Year R Trip to Tyland Barn

31st March - Year 4 Trip to Science Museum

1st April - Last Day of Term 4

19th April - Return to School for Term 5

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we'll communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.


As part of the PYP at Langley Park we have lots of different language that is used on a day to day basis. Each week this section will look at different aspects of the PYP language giving you, as parents, an insight into our learning.

Learner Profile Attributes

At LPPA, we want to ensure that all of our children become well rounded life long learners. As part of this we explore the learner profile attributes, discussing these with the children and providing real life examples. The learner profile attributes are; risk-takers, knowledgeable, caring, reflective, inquirers, open-minded, communicators, principled, balanced and thinkers.


As part of being well rounded learners, it is important that we care for others around us. We teach our children to support one another by being sensitive to their needs and offer a helping hand when needed. We strive to make a positive difference to our whole community and beyond by providing care when we can. We have done this through giving to local charities, donating clothing and toys to the homeless. In the past we have created videos for the local retirement home and sung them songs at Christmas. You can continue to help your child at home by discussing different ways to help others around us.


Friday 1 April 2022

Just a reminder that the Easter Trail will be held during school time next Friday.

Don't forget to purchase your raffle tickets. The prizes up for grabs are:

  • An Easter hamper filled with all sort of goodies, including an Elite Pubs Gift Voucher, Cheeky Dinos Soft play passes, Easter Cookies donated by Kennetts Cookies as well as lots of Easter chocolate!

  • Second prize is an amazing chocolate bar bouquet donated by Candy Blooms

  • Third prize is a biscuit and brownie box kindly donated by Hannah's Bakes and Cakes.

Should your child wish to participate in either, please put your payment in an envelope marked clearly with your child's name and class and place this in the orange post box outside the community hall.

There will also be a cake sale after school by the main gates with Krispy Kreme glazed doughnuts available for £1 and a selection of other cakes which require only a donation.

We would really welcome any donations of cakes and if you are able to assist, please can you make sure these are dropped off by the community hall on Thursday. Please remember that we are a nut free school. Thank you so much for all of your support!

Forest School Update:

From Term 5, Forest School will no longer be run by Mrs Fernandes. However, your child will still be able to access the outdoor environment with their class teacher. Each Year group will have a scheduled time on a specific day - stay tuned for more information in regards to your child's date and time.

National Online Safety Guide

‘Lifestyle sites’ is a bit of a catch-all term because, unfortunately, much of the internet is built to take advantage of human psychological weakness. Essentially, lifestyle sites are websites, apps and social media platforms that use underhand tricks to keep people hooked in and to sell products. They can also be sites which are set up online communities experiencing issues around topics such as physical and mental health, but which are unregulated, unlike more established and verified agencies which can offer similar support.

Seedlings Nursery

Golden Apple


Alfie has been really good at demonstrating his

risk-taking skills this week. He has enjoyed climbing, under, over and through a range of different equipment in the garden as well as trying new activities inside nursery. Well done Alfie!

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


Aranan has showed us how caring he is this week. He worked really hard on taking care of all of our baby plants in the greenhouse, making sure they were all watered evenly, and when working with Willow. Well done Aranan!

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For being an open minded learner during our Forest School session this week. Mia thought carefully about how she would create a wormery for the worms, she took into consideration their environment and what they would need to survive in their new home!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


Well done James! You were fantastic at communicating what a animal needs through your drawing and writing. You thought carefully about where a polar bear would get its food, water and shelter. Keep up the great work!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


Well done Pearl! You have worked hard this week to use the codes you know when sounding out and writing key words and sentences through our animal research. Keep up the super work!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


Being a great thinker this week when writing your own version of Jack and the Beanstalk. You included great vocabulary and have really worked hard.

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


This week for being resilient with writing his story based on Jack and the beanstalk. He has worked very hard and shown good determination and focus. Well done Lewis!

Pip & Bramley Class



Lorenzo has been practising riding the balance bikes all term and has really built his confidence and skills. We are particularly impressed with how he has learned to glide on the bike with both feet off the ground.

Lorenzo, you are fantastic!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


This week, Ben was a risk taker by performing in the iRock concert! He was amazing. In class he has also been a communicator by sharing his ideas about how sustainable the school is. Keep it up, Ben!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


Being resilient when planning and writing her letter to Miss Brading. She has been able to show her knowledge and reflections when writing her letter up as a finial finished piece.

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


Consistently working her hardest at school and always trying to improve in every piece of work.

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


Performing so confidently in the school’s IRock concert and impressing everyone with his amazing guitar skills! Well done David!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


Chanel has made an excellent effort with all aspects of her learning this term. She has been a great inquirer, thinker and communicator. Keep it up!

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


For being a great communicator during lessons and showing us how principled she is.

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


Ruby has made constant progress all year and has gone from strength to strength in all subject areas. She has impressed us most with her increased confidence in maths. Well done, Ruby!