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Principal's Message

It's been yet another busy week in Langley Park with lots of activities and events taking place. The children's new units of inquiry are in full swing and that was helped immensely by the parental engagement with the provocation morning.

We have also been looking at Anti-Bullying week this week. We have been so impressed with how the children have engaged with the theme so maturely and were able to clearly articulate how to recognise when someone is being bullied and what they can do it about. They made links to the Learner Profile Attributes of being caring, open-minded and principled. One child suggested that "being principled links to our theme because we need to stand up to bullying." The assembly was shared on your child's Google Classroom for them to respond to and share their thoughts.

It has been so lovely to see the children dress up wearing something spotty for Children In Need. They were really keen demonstrate their support for such a good cause.

I have had a number of concerned parents raise the issue of parking within the school grounds and how dangerous and busy it is becoming again. We ensured that we have only restricted parking and not closed the car park so we must insist that while in the school grounds, vehicle users park in designated bays and only use the drop off zone for dropping off and not parking. That means double parking, parking across the pedestrian zebra crossing and blocking in cars in in the staff parking area is not appropriate as it poses a significant health and safety risk. To that end, we will be using cones to block off the staff parking area during morning drop off so that the one way system around the car park can be used properly. Thank you for your support with this.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.

Miss S Brading

Key Dates:

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we'll communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

Monday 29th November - Tuesday 30th November - PYP Verification Visit

Wednesday 1st December - Pantomime visit

Tuesday 7th December - KS2 Christingle

Wednesday 8th December - Nursery Sing-A Long

Thursday 9th December - Year 2 and 3 Christmas Carols

Friday 10th December - EYFS and KS1 Nativity

Wednesday 15th December - Christmas Dinner

Friday 17th December - End of Term 2 - early finish (13:20 for EYFS and KS1 and 13:30 for KS2)

The travelling book fair has been postponed to later in the academy year.

Some wonderful news...

Mrs Edwards has given birth to a beautiful baby boy named Harlan born on the 1st November and weighing 8lb 1 oz. Both Mrs Edwards and Harlan are doing extraordinarily well. We are so excited that the LPPA family is growing!

Office Reminders:

Please remember that the school does not accept cash payments and all payments must be made online via My Child at School - this also now includes Olive Dining.

Paying for School Meals:

All children in Year R - Year 2 receive a school meal free of charge. Any children in Year 3 - 6 (who are not entitled to Free School Meals) need to pay for their meals at a cost of £2.45 per day (£12.25 per week). This amount must be paid for in advance and please be aware that Olive Dining will send letters directly to parents/carers (not the school) if a debt has built up. Please make sure that your child's meals are paid for in advance.

Thank you

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:

Cameo 98.10%

Willow's Corner

This week I thoroughly enjoyed playing football with the football team after school! I am learning to pass it to everyone and score goals! I have also been playing with my new games with the children in Discovery Class and in my special Dog Mentoring sessions this week the children had to design an obstacle course for me.

In Apollo Class I joined the children for their Forest School Session. I love exploring outside and I helped them to develop their counting skills too. In Pazazz Class I have been learning about volcanoes and the children had to think about how if a volcano erupted would I be kept safe? I have also been helping the children in Year R and Year 1 with their Nativity practice... I can't wait to take part again this year, I think I have nailed the role of playing donkey. Stay tuned for that!


Christmas Fair - Saturday 4th December 2021


As you know the Christmas Fair is coming up and to keep this COVID secure we are selling pre-bought tickets. As per the flyer the £5 includes admission for the whole family, 2 Christmas crafts, name the penguin/snowman and your child's class decoration. Any additional children from the same family are £3.

Some of the stalls within the fair will still accept cash such as the tombola, raffle and food and drink. Outside stall holders may be accepting cash or will be contactless.

Community Christmas Spirit

National Online Safety Guide

10 Ways You Can Share Kindness Online

A free online safety guide on sharing kindness online.

Last year, around one in five children aged 10–15 in England and Wales admitted experiencing online bullying: most commonly being insulted or sworn at, or having hurtful messages sent about them. To a child who’s being bullied, the world can seem like a bleak, negative place – but just one kind word can be a ray of hope: a turning point that brightens someone’s day and resets their perspective. That’s why ‘One Kind Word’ is the theme of Anti-Bullying Week 2021. We’re supporting this year’s event by bringing you ten top tips for beating online bullying by replacing it with kindness.

In the guide, you'll find tips such as reaching out, thinking before commenting and recommending fun things.

Forest School

We have been very busy this week exploring the changing environment and discovering new plants and fungi.

In Nursery we created a nature rainbow using natural wood and leaves we had found on the woodland ground. The children discussed the different colours they could see and felt the textures. We found a muddy puddle and jumped in and out covering ourselves.

In Year 4, we have used different materials to create role play scenarios. Marcel and Ethan made a house using pallets and bricks - they showcased their inquirer skill by slotting wooden panels together. Evie created a plate of food using natural mateirlas such as rocks and leaves. Ibrahim, Tamas and Harvey persevered this week by digging out a rock from the dirt using sticks.

Seedlings Nursery

Golden Apple


Ella has been a wonderful thinker this week. She used her counting skills to count out accurately the cakes to feed the Teddy. When Ella had counted them she realised she had missed one and said "I need one more to make it 9".

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


Boldizsar has been principled by working hard on his phonics. He is focusing on sounding out clearly and blending. He is showing everyone how to be a great phonics learner. Well done!

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apple


For being a determined learner this week and reflecting about how she can improve her work. Amelia has had a great ‘can do’ attitude especially when persevering with her handwriting! Keep it up Amelia!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


Grace has shown us she is a thinker from the provocation morning on expression and communication. She even used these skills at home to work out a phrase in morse code. What a super learning ethic to have!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apple


Well done Zac! You have been principled this week, by taking responsibility for your actions and treated others with respect so we can do our best learning. Keep up the great work!

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple


Amelia has shown fantastic inquiry and thinking skills throughout our English lessons this week. She has evidenced beautiful cursive writing, alongside greater awareness for quality writing by using commas and descriptive language. Well done!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apple

Lorenzo Boiardi

For always being a principled learner who treats others kindly and with respect. In our learning this week he has been open minded and shown good thinking skills in our English lessons this week. He is thinking carefully about his word choices when using descriptive language.

Pip & Bramley Class



Showing he is a great inquirer by working independently when attempting to write his name. Well done!!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


Ellie has been very knowledgeable this week. She has used her own timeline of the events of Pompeii along with a video representation to support her in writing a diary entry. She has also been able to consider how she would have felt being there. Great ideas, Ellie!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apple


Jaeden has shown how knowledgeable he can be about Pompeii. He has been able to write a detailed diary entry about the events of Mount Vesuvius and the damage it caused.

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


Showcasing her fantastic maths skills and confidence this week when multiplying and dividing by 1, 10 and 100. You have been very knowledgeable and should be proud of everything you have achieved!

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apple


Working so hard this week, and showing how knowledgeable she is in Maths. Isabelle has shown a massive improvement in her times tables and preformed a 6 times table song in front of the class!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


For participating enthusiastically in all tasks and always pushing herself to communicate her knowledge clearly.

Zari Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apple


Kara has been very caring this week. Looking out for others in the class and helping them to succeed. Kara has shown us how principled she is and this comes across in the actions she takes in school.

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apple


Robert has shown how determined he can be this week by working on solving questions and problems involving fractions. He has also been a great role model to other year groups by following the school rules of being : Ready, Respectful and Safe.

Other useful info: