
15th July 2022

Principal's Message:

This week the children have engaged in many different transition activities in order to get to know their new teachers really well. We started off by discussing what transition is and why it is important. The children demonstrated an incredible understanding of the process, and all remained very open-minded as they went into their new classes and thoroughly enjoyed finding out about the learning they will be engaging with. It has also meant that we welcomed a number of our new members of staff who have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children and look forward to getting to know them even better in the new year.

Very hot weather

Monday and Tuesday are going to be very warm next week. There are currently no plans to shorten the school day or close the school entirely. We will be ensuring that children have plenty of rest breaks, access to water and remain in the shade. We will be allowing the children to wear their PE uniforms to school as they are less restrictive than their uniforms. To remind you, this is a plain white t-shirt/white t-shirt with academy logo and navy shorts. It will not be an own clothes day. Please ensure that your child wears a hat to school and is wearing long lasting sun cream. We would be happy for them to bring two water bottles to school. You may decide to have one in the freezer overnight.

Next week is our last week of term. We will finish early on Friday 22nd July, at 1.15pm.

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.

Miss S Brading

Office Reminders:

Don't forget that we have a guitar tutor that comes into the academy each week to offer tuition for this instrument. If your child does not currently have guitar lessons and would be interested in signing up, please contact Andy Davis directly on either 07973 680227 or

Lessons currently take place during the academy day on Thursdays, and a special guitar assembly takes place once each academic year which can be attended by parents and carers so that you can watch your child(ren) perform.

Contacting the class teachers:

If you have concerns that you would like to raise with the academy, please do so via the school office email address on and it will be directed to the relevant members of staff.

Whole School Attendance:


Weekly Class Attendance Award:



Key Dates:

Monday 18th July Year 6 Leaver's Assembly, 2.45pm

Monday 18th July Nursery Graduation Event, 2.45pm

Monday 18th July Report Feedback Opportunity for Parents and Carers, 3.45pm-4.45pm

Tuesday 19th July Year 2 Trip to Kent Life

Wednesday 20th July Year 4 Picnic Event

Thursday 1st July Year 1 Afternoon Tea Event

Friday 22nd July Last day of Term 6, school ends at 1.15pm for all pupils

Please note that these are confirmed dates but should we need to change any due to unforeseen circumstances, we will communicate this with you with as much notice as possible.

National Online Safety Guide

In terms of the esteem it’s held in, women’s football has made impressive progress in a short space of time. That’s a bit like the online world: it’s come a long way, but that doesn’t mean we should stop trying to make it even better. The Women’s European Football Championships are underway, and that’s a timely reminder of how important it is to give everyone the respect they deserve online regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, religion or anything else. In partnership with the Global Equality Commission, we’ve produced a special #WakeUpWednesday guide to help young fans kick online discrimination into touch!