
09 07 21

Principal's Message

First and foremost I would like to thank the community for the patience around the sudden influx of positive cases we have had in the academy contributing to pods having to be shut rapidly. We completely understand the frustration and disappointment when a pod is closed but unfortunately we have to follow the most current government guidance. Please ensure that if you or your child are required to self-isolate that you do in fact do so. It is really disappointing to hear when households are not following the guidance by continuing to mix with others. We have had multiple cases arise following the first confirmed case within a pod so while your child may not have symptoms, they could still be infectious. With each pod closure, we send out two letters; one to the close contacts and one to the pods which are non-affected. Please ensure that you read them carefully.

We are very well aware that the current situation will have affected certain end of year events and we will endeavour to be able to reschedule these to be able to fulfil them before the end of the academic year. Don't forget to scroll through the whole newsletter to the end in case there is important information contained regarding this throughout.

I will be writing to you soon in regard to any specific changes to routines or expectations for September 2021 so please keep an eye out for this in your emails.

Once again, thank you for your continued support of the academy.

Miss Brading

Willow's Corner

After achieving my Gold Award last week I can say that I am still a very pleased pup! I have been making sure the children have been able to self regulate and manage their emotions this week. I really enjoyed taking part in my first yoga session and I felt so relaxed with the children that I was able to show them my dog style yoga too by stretching out from my paws and my tail! I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Photo of Willow with the dog trainer.

Home Learning Support

Seedlings Nursery

Golden Apples

Picture of the word Superstar.


Holly has been a wonderful communicator this week. She has worked well with her friends, using her words and gestures to extend her play further. Well done Holly, we are very proud of you!

Photo of a smiling child holding a train book.


Oliver has worked hard this week being a super inquirer. He has made great links in his learning about transport and has enjoyed exploring different transport from around the world. Keep it up Oliver!

Apollo Class ~ Year R

Golden Apples

Photo of a post-it note saying Thank You!

Miss B and Mrs Greenslade

Miss B and Mrs Greenslade have been holding down the Apollo fort the past week with their caring and determined attitude. They are consistently putting the children first and are an absolute dream team.

Photo of a child smiling at the camera.


Tommy has shown great creativity in his learning this week; particularly towards our inquiry Under the Sea. Tommy has been creating lots of different fins and sea creatures in the creative area and it has been lovely to see him working so hard. Well done, Tommy!

Discovery Class ~ Year R

Golden Apples

Photo of a child reading.


David has been a principled inquirer this week, he has been getting ‘stuck in’ with his learning and making excellent choices in class. He has been thinking about how we can demonstrate his knowledge with his friends and the adults too!

Photo of a child holding their work.


Yasmina has been very reflective this week. She has been thinking about when she can share her ideas with the class and has been thinking carefully about waiting her turn to talk in our class discussions. Keep this up Yasmina!

Jubilee Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apples

Photo of the words Well Done!

The whole of Jubilee Class

The whole class is worthy of the golden apple this week as they have adapted to remote learning at short notice so positively. What has been impressive is that the children have generated timeline google slides at home that have demonstrated that they are independent researchers and communicators, which is fantastic.

Keep up the super learning Jubilee and we hope to see you all back next week!

Photo of a child smiling at the camera.


Daniel deserves the golden apple this week for being a principled learner in all he does.

In phonics this week Daniel applied his thinking skills to beautifully write down some common exception words which were all accurate and beautifully spelt.

Daniel has grown in confidence and has been joining the live sessions which is a big step from prior remote learning and also shows a super attitude to learning.

Well done Daniel!

Enterprise Class ~ Year 1

Golden Apples

A photo of the Incredible Hulk.


This week, Brandon has been working really hard at home. He has been developing his communication skills by considering different ways to share information. He has made a slideshow about something he is interested in, which shows that he has also been a risk-taker by trying something new. Well done, Brandon!

Photo of a child's work.


Lewis has been sharing some great work this week! He has been able to communicate information about his life by making an amazing timeline that includes lots of interesting information. He has also been doing some describing whist at home, by drawing pictures of some of his favourite characters and then using adjectives to tell us about them.

Jazzy Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apples

Photo of a child's work.


Isobelle has had a great week. She’s been settled during independent tasks, thinking carefully about the content of her writing and artwork. She has been reflective when considering how she can make improvements to her work, wanting to make it even better. Great job Isobelle!

Photo of a child smiling at the camera.


Lewis has been a great risk taker this week. He has again shown he can get fully involved in drama activities, get into a character role and perform with others in a group. Well done Lewis!

Empire Class ~ Year 2

Golden Apples

A photo of the words You Are Amazing.

Empire Class

This week, Empire class have been very principled with their learning and behaviour. They have been very understanding of changes happening around them and have worked together to help and support each other with their learning. They were brilliant communicators and very open minded when looking at our rights, who protects and the issue of racism, having a very rich discussion. They should all be very proud!

Photo of a child smiling at the camera.


Leona has worked really hard with her learning in maths this week when looking at tens and ones. She has been a good thinker and a resilient risk taker with her learning. She has worked independently and thought about how she can do her best.

Well done!

Pip & Bramley Class


Photo of a child's work.


Jacob has been sharing his knowledge of money with his family at home; well done, Jacob for communicating what you have learned! Everyone was very impressed that you could identify the different coins that we use.

Photo of a child's work.


Alfie was so interested in a problem Mrs Mansfield set about prime numbers, that he continued the investigation to find ALL the prime numbers between 0-100! Alfie, you really showed your skills as a thinker, and your mathematical knowledge. Well done!

Fortune Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apples

Photo of a child's work.


Despite learning from home, Leja has been an outstanding communicator and engaged fully with all of her work. She has joined all of the live lessons and shared her ideas and questions regularly.

Fantastic work Leja!

Photo of a child's work.


Fantastic work this week Vladi. You have been principled and prioritized your time wisely. You have completed all of the work with precision and even given yourself plenty of time to practise your times tables on TTRS.

Keep up the great work!

Pazazz Class ~ Year 3

Golden Apples

A photo of a child on a bouncy hopper.

Harry. R

Harry.R has been a risk taker while learning at home. He has been able to create a complex obstacle course and recorded this. He has shown perseverance by completing the course without giving up. Keep up the hard work Harry!

Photo of a child's work.


Tommy-Lee has been very knowledgeable at home. He is a regular member of our meetings and is able to share his thought process clearly. He has been able to plan a great story and answer questions in full sentences, using the text to help him. Great work Tommy!

Ambrosia Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apples

A photo of a child's toy.


Well done Leon! You have been an excellent communicator this week, especially through your news report video on Joe becoming Prime Minister. You are very creative in how you represented the reporter and Joe. Keep up the wonderful work!

Photo of a child's work.


Great work Emilia! You have been an excellent inquirer this week. We were particularly impressed by your research on Roman culture and its impact on the modern world. You presented your work clearly and thought about the images you would include. Keep up the super work!

Cameo Class ~ Year 4

Golden Apples


Mia has been a super inquirer this week during home learning. She took part in the English session and thought carefully about the quotations she was going to use in her own newspaper article. She also could explain the difference between reported and directed speech.

Keep it up Mia!

Photo of a child's work.


Dylan has been very knowledgeable this week when learning about lines of symmetry and reflection in Maths. You have taken part in the online lessons enthusiastically and you have produced some super work from home! Well done!

Melrose Class ~ Year 5

Golden Apples

A photo of a child working at a desk.


Isla has communicated her knowledge about how different mountains are formed clearly. She inquired into mountains around the world and compared the ecosystems at different places on the mountains. Excellent work, Isla!

Photo of a child's work.


Maryam communicated the impact of climate change and deforestation on the habitat of a poison dart frog through an interesting story for younger children. She used the ideas from our author Google Meet to inspire her own writing. Well done, Maryam.

Kanzi Class ~ Year 6

Golden Apples

A picture of a star and the words Well Done.

Hope . G

This week, Hope has been an extremely positive and responsible learner, this has been especially noticed in her home learning. Hope has been inquisitive when researching a current popular movement.

Well done, Hope!

A picture of a badge with a thumbs up and Well Done!


This week, Sara has been a risk-taker and positively contributed to all discussions in class. She has become more independent and grown in confidence as the year has gone on.

Well done, Sara!

Office Reminders:

Early Finish - last day of term - Tuesday 20th July 2021. Collection time for all classes is 1.45pm.