Create & Manage Portfolios
Create a Portfolio
What is a Portfolio?
A Portfolio is a place to search for, organize and track parcels.
Click Create New Portfolio in the bottom right side of your screen
You will then be taken to the portfolio screen and can add/edit the parcels in your portfolio
Organize Portfolios
Portfolio Folders allow you to create a custom folder structure tailored to your business workflow, enhancing the organization, management, and accessibility of your portfolios. This feature streamlines your processes, making it easier to categorize, manage, and quickly access portfolios based on your specific needs.
Follow the steps below to create folders and organize your portfolios within them.
Click Create New Folder at the bottom of your table.
You will then see your new folder appear at the top of your table, you can rename this folder by double-clicking on the folder name.
3. To add portfolios to your folder click on the icon to drag and drop your portfolio into your intended folder.
Click on the arrow next to the folder name to expand the folder contents and access your portfolios saved in the folder.
Edit Portfolio Details
Click the Gear wheel icon to open portfolio settings
The Portfolio settings page will pop up on your screen where you can add a portfolio description, change the parcel color, or share your portfolio with others
Edit your portfolio name by double-clicking the text bar at the top of the page next to the gear wheel icon
Name : Edit the Name of your Portfolio
Color: Click on the color block square to define the map fill color of parcels within a Portfolio
CRM Pipeline: Create or assign an existing pipeline to assign a 'stage' to each parcel in your portfolio from the " Stage" column found in Parcels Data
Shared: Share your portfolio amongst your team or partners (requires LandGate access)
- Can view parcels + parcel details
- Can not edit CRM stages and custom column values
- Can not add/remove parcels
- Can view parcels + parcel details
- Can edit CRM stages and custom column values
- Can not add/remove parcels
- Can view parcels + parcel details
- Can edit CRM stages and custom column values
- Can add/remove parcels
Portfolio Notes: Add a note(s) to your portfolio to share more information about the portfolio with colleagues.
Click on "+Add Note" to open up the text box
Click Save Note when you are done adding your notes