In English

The Finnish Mission Council - as Christ's ambassadors in the world

The Finnish Mission Council (FMC) was established in 1919 in order to be a joint co-operative organ for Finnish missionary societies. It consists of 32 member organizations including Lutheran, Free Church and interdenominational organizations.

According to the statistics gathered by FMC, in the year 2021 there were 522 Finnish missionaries working around the world, including short-term workers and those working in/from Finland.

FMC is a member of the European Evangelical Missionary Association (EEMA) and the European Ecumenical Mission Council (EEMC).

In 1998 FMC arranged a large mission consultation, "The Future of the Missions". It gathered for the first time e.g. Pentecostal and Orthodox representatives together with Lutherans. The second mission consultation took place in 2008.

The Finnish Mission Council
e-mail info(at)

Member Organizations
