About Me/Acerca de Mí

About/Acerca de Janelle Rotblum

I am beginning my 20th year teaching in La Habra City School District. I have taught 2nd through 5th grade. I enjoy 4th grade and am looking forward to the 2020-2021 school year.

I know that the beginning of the year will be vastly different from other years. At times, we will have to solve problems in new ways.

When I was a 4th grader before Google had been invented, I too had to solve what I thought was a "big problem." My 4th grade teacher, assigned us an in-depth California report. My mother took me to the library to check out a California book. However, the type of butterfly my teacher said was the state butterfly was not the one in the book. I begged my mom to just let me draw the butterfly he told me it was even if it wasn't correct. My mom didn't agree and took me to talk to a California ranger at a park. The ranger confirmed our California State butterfly is the Dogface. I ended up drawing the Dogface butterfly and turning it in. (I still have the report in my classroom and the students enjoy looking at my handwriting.)

Unbeknownst to me, the ranger ended up typing a letter to my teacher and mailing it (snail mail) informing him of his mistake. My teacher kept that letter. Everytime he would see me in the community he would remind me he had that letter. Teachers can also learn something new everyday.

My family and I enjoy traveling, reading, and playing numerous sports. If we were not "staying home", we would be found at the pool swimming, on the soccer field, or in a basketball gym. One of our family goals is to visit all 50 states. I'm more than halfway there!

Estoy comenzando mi 20o año enseñando en el Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de La Habra. He enseñado de 2o a 5o grado. Disfruto de 4o grado y estoy esperando el año escolar 2020-2021.

Sueso que el comienzo del año será muy diferente de otros años. A veces, tendremos que resolver los problemas de nuevas maneras.

Cuando era estudiante de cuarto grado antes de que Google se inventara, yo también tenía que resolver lo que pensé que era un "gran problema". Mi profesor de 4o grado.nos asignó un informe en profundidad de California. Mi madre me llevó a la biblioteca a ver un libro de California. Sin embargo, el tipo de mariposa que mi maestro dijo era que la mariposa del estado no era la del libro.

Sin saberlo, el guardabosques terminó escribiendo una carta a mi maestro y envióla por correo (correo de caracol) informándole de su error. Mi profesor guardó esa carta. Cada vez que me veía en la comunidad me recordaba que tenía esa carta. Los maestros también pueden aprender algo nuevo todos los días.

Mi familia y yo disfrutamos viajando, leyendo y practicando numerosos deportes. Si no estuviéramos "quedándonos en casa", nos encontrarían en la piscina, en el campo de fútbol o en un gimnasio de baloncesto. Uno de nuestros objetivos familiares es visitar los 50 estados. ¡Estoy a más de la mitad!

4th grade Me

The Dogface Butterfly

As drawn in 4th grade