FAQ for Students & Families

Translating this Site/Para Español

Translating this Site/Para Español

To translate the Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports page:

  1. On the Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports website, right-click on the page.

  2. Select the “Translate To” menu option and immediately a popup will appear that says “Translate this page?”

  3. Click on options and change the language to the one desired.

  4. Click Done and page will be translated.

Para traducir la página Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports:

  1. En la página Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports, haga clic con el botón derecho.

  2. Seleccione la opción “Translate To” en el menú e inmediatamente una ventana popup va a aparecer que dice “Translate this page?”

  3. Haga clic en “options” y cambie el idioma al idioma deseado.

  4. La página estará traducida.

Can you tell me more about the expanded Grab-and-Go meal service for all students?

Beginning Monday, April 27th, FREE grab-and-go meals will now be available to ALL enrolled Lago Vista ISD students (whether or not they receive free or reduced meals). Meals may be picked up through our drive-thru service from 9:00-11:00am at Viking Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

Students will pick up:

-Two grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches on Monday and Wednesday; and

-One grab-and-go breakfast and lunch on Friday.

Students should be present in the car to receive the meals (unless they are ill).

When are we moving from optional learning supports to distance learning?

Lago Vista ISD will shift from optional learning supports to distance learning beginning Monday, April 20th.

What will distance learning look like in Lago Vista ISD?

Starting April 20th, our students will begin participating in distance learning through the use of tools like Seesaw (PK-3), Google Classrooms (4-8), and Canvas (9-12) to submit assignments and to receive feedback from teachers. Using these tools, teachers will also have the ability to send new learning material to students, which will allow them to view and repeat as needed in the timeframe that works best for their individual needs. Students participating in online instruction will also submit assignments through these digital classroom spaces. If they have not done so already, teachers will be reaching out to students and parents to help them get connected to their online classroom spaces in the coming days.

In order to provide maximum flexibility for students and families, Lago Vista ISD will be implementing an asynchronous distance learning model. This means that lessons and activities will be self-paced and will also be able to be carried out both online and offline. Asynchronous learning involves teacher-developed coursework delivered via online portals (e.g., Canvas, Google Classroom, Seesaw) or offline through paper-based packets. Online content will not be delivered in "real time" and will, instead, be posted on Mondays for students to watch or complete at their own pace.

Distance learning will proceed for all TEKS-based courses that are needed for promotion/graduation credit. Local electives and specials will not participate in distance learning, but optional learning supports will be provided. In addition to learning modules in TEKS-based courses, students will continue to receive optional learning supports (e.g., supplemental activities, videos, resources) that are intended to be accessed by those who are able to do so.

Our goal in this shift to distance learning is to be flexible and responsive, understanding that each of our families has their own unique situation. We also understand that some families will have multiple students that need to share technology or parents who are working/telecommuting during the day.

Can you explain the learning modules to me?

Our classroom teachers will create weekly learning modules for students that will be sent out through digital classroom spaces each Monday, beginning April 20th. Each learning module will contain a series of activities and instructional content with one graded assignment per week. Students receiving paper packets due to lack of Internet access will have one packet per week, each containing one learning module. Paper packets will be picked up at our drive-thru meal service.

Once learning modules are sent out each Monday, parents and students will have opportunities throughout the week to receive support from our staff if they have questions or need help. Assignments are due the following Monday.

How do I get support from the teacher if I need help with my student's learning?

In addition to responding to emails, teachers will have scheduled “office hours” when they will be available to help students in real time. Campuses are working on those schedules now and will communicate that information in the coming days.

I have a District-owned iPad through the iPad Lending Program, but I'm having trouble. What should I do?

If you need any technical support, please send an email to tech@lagovista.txed.net. Please be sure to include your student's first and last name, as well as his grade-level and/or campus.

What should students be doing until April 20th?

Right now, teachers' primary focus is preparing learning modules for online and paper-based delivery. Teachers will be providing additional optional learning supports through their digital classroom spaces or through the Learning Supports website (for K-5 Specials) whenever they can, but we strongly encourage parents to engage their students with the many online tools listed on this website.

What should my student's schedule look like during this time?

We highly recommend that parents and students create a schedule for remote learning (both for the optional learning supports AND the distance learning modules), but we also want families to know that there is no suggestion that families should mirror the school schedule minute by minute. That said, creating scheduled blocks of time to create routine will be helpful for both you and your child. Communicating to your child that he/she will have a structure to follow for the next several weeks will also help set expectations and set everyone up to make the most out of this period of time.

Our goal is to provide meaningful learning experiences while remaining mindful not to academically over-schedule our students and parents. Our daily recommendations for total academic time on task for a student (all subjects combined) are:

  • Pre-K: 30 - 45 minutes total per day

  • Kindergarten & 1st grade: 45 mins - 1hr total per day

  • 2nd - 5th: 1½ - 2 hrs total per day

  • 6th - 8th: 2 - 4 hrs total per day

  • 9th up: 4+ hrs, not to exceed 6 hours per day

We've included a sample schedule and template below to help parents.

LVISD Sample Daily Schedule.pdf

What will grading look like when we move to distance learning?

While providing feedback to our students and progress monitoring their performance will not change, some of our grading guidelines will have to be amended during this time. The document below outlines our amended grading guidelines as a result of this extended COVID-19 closure.

Lago Vista ISD ICP Phase Two Grading Policy.pdf

Is the District going to assist students who do not have Internet access?

The District is currently working hard to meet the needs of students and families without Internet access. At this time, we strongly encourage families to investigate options to secure Internet access through some of the free, trial options that have recently made available by several Internet and mobile service providers. (See below.)

For families that are unable to secure their own Internet access, the District has ordered a limited number of WiFi hotspots. These Internet hotspots are designed solely for student use and include CIPA-compliant web filters, enterprise firewall security, and monitoring of student online activity. At this time, there is a delay in delivery due to nationwide demand and our lending program will be prioritized for students receiving free & reduced lunch.

A WiFi hotspot request form has been sent out to all families. Please note that submitting a request form does not guarantee that the District will be able to provide you with a WiFi hotspot. If this is the case and we move to distance learning, printed take-home lesson packets and paper-based assignment submission will be made available at our drive-thru meal service for those who continue to lack access to the Internet.

Can you tell me about the Grab-and-Go Meals for students on Free & Reduced Meals?

During the closure, meals will be available to students who receive Free & Reduced meals. Parents may pick up meals through our drive-thru service from 9:00-11:00am at Viking Hall on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Note: Meal service will not be available on Friday, April 10th for the Good Friday holiday.

Students will pick up:

-Two grab-and-go breakfasts and lunches on Monday and Wednesday; and

-One grab-and-go breakfast and lunch on Friday.

Students should be present in the car to receive the meals (unless they are ill).

My student did not qualify for free & reduced lunch earlier this year, but my circumstances have changed. Is there anything I can do?

Yes. If your family circumstances have changed, you can always fill out a new application. You may visit our School Nutrition Services website to view income eligibility information and to print an application. Beginning Wednesday, March 25th, our food service staff will have extra copies of the free & reduced lunch applications on hand during the drive-through services on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00-11:00am. You may drive through to either pick up or drop off a new application.

Can you tell me about the iPad Lending Program?

For families needing a student device to access digital learning supports were asked to complete a request form to participate in our iPad Lending Program. This online request form was due by 4:00pm on Wednesday, March 25th. iPads were distributed through a drive-thru service at Viking Hall on Thursday, March 26th from 7:30am-10:00am.

If, for some reason, you were unable to pick up your requested iPad, you may pick it up at the Lago Vista ISD Administration Building between 8:30-11:00am, Monday-Friday. If you did not request an iPad prior to the deadline, please email tech@lagovista.txed.net so that a request form may be sent to you.

What can students and families expect during this closure?

Here’s what support for learning will look like during the next two weeks for teachers, students, and families:

  • On Monday and Tuesday (March 23–24), our District Leadership Team will meet to discuss logistics and to review expectations for short- and long-term instructional continuity plan, as well as other operational plans.

  • On Wednesday (March 25), staff members will meet virtually with campus principals to review instructional continuity plans and expectations, as well as plans for campus implementation. Staff will work on putting together additional learning support resources and activities. Technology department will be on hand to support staff members, as needed, and to provide virtual professional learning opportunities to help support teachers. Campus principals will work with teachers to determine how communication with families will proceed to ensure that they feel informed, but not bombarded.

  • On Thursday (March 26), campuses and teachers will begin sharing additional learning supports for students to practice and reinforce academic content and skills. This website will be updated with more specific learning supports for grades PK-8. Learning supports for students at LVHS will be communicated through Canvas.

  • Throughout the closure, teachers and campus staff will be working remotely to provide learning supports to students and families and to check in with students, as needed.

During this closure through April 17th, students will not submit assignments for graded work. We want students to take advantage of these learning opportunities so that they are ready to learn new material and skills when we return, but they are optional.

Buildings will be closed and contact should be conducted primarily through email.

Drive-thru pickup meal service will be provided to students who qualify for free and reduced lunch (see details below).

The District is actively working to help families who do not have technology devices and/or Internet service at home.

Distance learning will begin on April 20th, as described above.

What do you mean by "learning supports"?

"Learning supports" refers to teacher-curated resources and optional activities that the District will make available to parents and students. It is extremely important for both teachers and parents to understand that these supports do not replace the experience of being in school, but, instead, are intended to help students maintain and extend the learning that has taken place this school year. These learning supports will take the form of digital, web-based learning resources, and printable activities, and previously built digital content accessed through tools like Google Classroom and Canvas.

Learning supports for grades PK-8 will be provided on this website, once they are available. Learning supports for grades 9-12 will be communicated through Canvas.

Will students who use the learning supports receive grades?

No, not under the current short-term plan. Teachers will check for understanding and provide feedback, but all activities are optional. We want students to take advantage of these learning opportunities so they are ready to learn new material and skills after we reopen.

My student is in special education. What does this mean for him/her?

The Federal Government and the State of Texas are currently developing guidance for the provision of Special Education services during school closures as a result of COVID-19. We are monitoring the development of guidance carefully and we are committed to partnering with you through frequent communication and updates.

Please know that your student’s individual needs are still a top priority for the District. Schools are open for instruction beginning April 20th, which is when we will resume special education services. That said, please expect outreach from your child’s case manager or related service provider, by email, for information on how you can provide support for your student at home during the closure and updates about the move to distance learning.

As we get more information, we will provide you with updates as quickly as possible.

My student is in special education. Will my student’s ARD meeting still be held during the closure?

In order to meet required timelines, special education staff may still hold required ARD meetings during this closure. These meetings will, however, be held either over the phone or virtually. Your child's case manager will contact you to provide you with updated scheduling information, including a video conferencing link, as well as a phone number if you wish to participate via telephone.

Are we going to have to make up these missed instructional days?

No. As long as we have a plan in place to provide learning support at home during closures, such days would count toward our 75,600 minute requirement.

What about high school courses and credits?

Courses and grading will resume after the closure. In the event that a closure lasts more than 4 weeks, the District will have a separate plan to address instruction that will result in the ability to earn credits for high school courses.

What if my family does not have access to the Internet at home?

Lago Vista ISD is developing a plan to provide options for WiFi access options to families who are unable to secure their own access. As more information becomes available, we will be sure to share it with our families.

We encourage families without Internet access to investigate the free options that have become available in light of the COVID-19 situation.

  • As of March 16th, Spectrum is offering sixty (60) days free broadband and Wi-Fi access for households with K-12 and/or college students who don’t already have a Spectrum broadband subscription. They are waiving installation fees for new households. You may enroll by calling 1-844-488-8395.

  • As of March 13th, all T-Mobile customers who have plans with data will have unlimited smartphone data for the next 60 days (excluding roaming). T-Mobile customers on plans with smartphone mobile hotspot can add 20GB of smartphone mobile hotspot (10GB per bill cycle for the next 60 days) via myT-Mobile.com or the myT-Mobile app by adding the COVID-19 Response High Speed Smartphone Mobile HotSpot feature for each voice line. For more information, please visit: https://www.t-mobile.com/brand/ongoing-updates-covid-19#customers

Please note that Lago Vista ISD is not affiliated with any business and does not directly support any products.

I have critical medical supplies for my child on his/her campus. How do I retrieve them?

For prescription and emergency medicine pickup, please contact the campus principal to arrange for pickup.

What can we expect in terms of state and national testing?

On March 16, Governor Greg Abbott announced that he has waived the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) testing requirements for the 2019-2020 school year. We are continuing to follow updates from the College Board considering ACT, SAT, and AP testing.

What about reports cards for the 3rd nine weeks?

We will work with teachers to verify grades so that we are able to send them out the week of April 6th.

How do I contact my child's school if I have a question?

For our teachers and employees with work devices, we are asking everyone to stay home, unless directed by your supervisor. We are limiting access to our buildings to only essential personnel, which means that staff members, parents, and students may not enter our facilities during this time. If you need to contact your child's school, we ask that you please email the appropriate person directly.

Need Tech Support? Email tech@lagovista.txed.net