Learning Supports

For Students & Families

Check Out Our Summer Enrichment Supports!

See the tabs above or the buttons below for some free and highly recommended grade-level enrichment resources to use at home this summer!

Translating this Site/Para Español

To translate the Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports page:

  1. On the Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports website, right-click on the page.

  2. Select the “Translate To” menu option and immediately a popup will appear that says “Translate this page?”

  3. Click on options and change the language to the one desired.

  4. Click Done and page will be translated.

Para traducir la página Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports:

  1. En la página Lago Vista ISD Learning Supports, haga clic con el botón derecho.

  2. Seleccione la opción “Translate To” en el menú e inmediatamente una ventana popup va a aparecer que dice “Translate this page?”

  3. Haga clic en “options” y cambie el idioma al idioma deseado.

  4. La página estará traducida.

Welcome! Lago Vista ISD is providing students with instructional continuity and student engagement through optional learning supports that may be accessed by students and families while students are learning at home.

"Learning supports" refers to teacher-curated resources and optional activities that the District will make available to parents and students. These supports are intended to help students maintain and extend the learning that has taken place this school year.

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