By: Jenna Barrett, Instructor

Digitally editing images is pretty much magic. When done well, you can’t tell where a real image ends and the editing begins. Adobe Photoshop has become the industry standard for image editing, and it continues to treat us with amazing tools to make editing easier. I’ve listed a few of my favorites that may leave you believing in magic as well. I’ve also included an image for you to open in Photoshop and practice these magic tricks with. You can access all these tools in the Essentials Workspace.

Photoshop version: Photoshop 2021 v22.5
Photoshop Experience Level: Intermediate
Here is a link to download the practice image: DOWNLOAD

Tool #1: The Clone Stamp Tool

Key Shortcut: "S" key

You’ve heard of the old workhorse “copy and paste.” Well using the Clone Stamp Tool is really similar...but more, like a unicorn. To copy, hold down the Option key and click on the place in the image that you want to copy from. This creates an anchor point. Then, head to the place in the image where you want to paste. Use your mouse like a paint brush to paste. Photoshop uses the anchor point as a reference point when pasting. This is great for making things disappear. If you have a solid or forgiving-patterned background, like sand, you can copy an area of the background and paste it over an object in the image, basically making it disappear.

Tool #2: The Spot Healing Brush Tool

Key Shortcut: "S" key

And for my next trick, I will make something disappear with only one click! I’m not talking about erasing something, that’s not magical. Erasing something just removes the pixels. I’m talking about “healing.” Imagine the bump on the starfish is a pimple on your face in an otherwise great picture of you. If I just used the Eraser Tool to erase the pimple, there would be a hole in your face. But with the Spot Healing Brush Tool, Photoshop magically erases just the pimple and leaves your face, blemish free. Tada!

Tool #3: The Object Selection Tool

Key Shortcut: "W" key

Depending on the object in your image, making a selection around it can be as simple as one click with the Quick Selection Tool (if you’re lucky). But that’s definitely not always the case. If you’ve spent any time trying to cut out an image from it’s background, you know how hard this can be...and you also know that the Magic Eraser Tool is like a siren, luring you in with it’s easy-sounding name, and then trapping you in a terrible-looking cutout and pixels that you can’t get back. So let me introduce you to another option. With the Object Selection Tool you’re a click-hold-and-drag away from making a selection around an object within your image. Just draw a box around it. Pair this with a Layer Mask and you’re on your way to a beautiful cutout.

Tool #4: The Color Replacement Tool

Key Shortcut: "B" key

This one seems especially magical to me, mainly because I toiled over how to do something similar before the tool debuted. Playing with Hue Saturation Adjustment Layers just didn’t cut it. This tool is a brush that allows you to change the color of something on the Canvas by painting over it. Want to see what that shirt looks like in yellow?...Paint away! And if you make a selection around what you want to paint first (hint, hint, use the Object Selection Tool), Photoshop will only let you paint in that selection, providing a nice clean edge for you. If you had a hard time coloring in the lines as a kid, this workflow is for you. You can find the Color Replacement Tool nested with the Brush Tool.