Curbside Library Services

Curbside Intro - Mrs. Olson

Student Book Request Form

TUTORIAL: Placing Holds in Destiny Discover

Destiny Discover

Curbside Library Procedures

We are so excited to be able to get books from our physical library collection into students' hands during virtual learning!

  1. Watch the Introduction video (above)

  2. Choose whether you want to use the Student Book Request Form or Destiny Discover to request your books (above)

  3. If you choose Destiny, watch the Destiny Discover Tutorial (above) for information on how to log in and place holds

  4. Make your requests! You can choose up to 5 books at a time.

  5. Wait for an email from the library staff (usually Mrs. Kate Olson or Mrs. Dawn Melvin) to arrive to both parent and student - don't come to the school to pick up books until you get the email!

  6. Come pick up the books according to the directions in the email

  7. Return the books to the school when you are done with them (directions in your pickup email)