Young worker Survey
Sample eBlast

Thank you for sharing Labor Network for Sustainability's Young Worker Project Survey!

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Subject Line: Do you have 5 minutes and are 35 years or younger? LNS wants to hear from you.


Young workers have never known a world without climate catastrophe and the debates that come along with it. Instead, they are often caught in the middle, with the opportunity to take action through movement building such as what we saw with the Climate Strikes of 2019 {or INSERT another action your organization or network has organized around}.

{For Transit Equity Groups, you can use this opening paragraph:}

This past Transit Equity Day during our Community Hearing on Public Transit, we heard from more than 50 riders, workers and climate activists who spoke on the importance of expanded, safe, accessible transit run on renewable energy is vital to our future economically and environmentally. Thank you again to those who testified and organized this effort as the results continue to make an impact in the conversations around transit policy.

{Resume general eBlast content here}

Facing an uncertain future–with the health of our planet and communities and the security of jobs becoming increasingly precarious–it is past time to create big, bold solutions where young voices are central to organizing in the labor-climate movement. What exists is a need for a project to build spokespeople who can articulate and fight for the vision of young workers.

That's where we come in.

Modeled after its Just Transition Listening Project, the Labor Network for Sustainability has convened a committee of young workers, concerned and curious about climate change and impacts on their future.

These workers are on an journey to talk to peers about their shared or differing experiences–whether they grew up in polluted areas and know first-hand the health implications, or are wondering about future job prospects and security, or are questioning, or confident in, the solutions being taken to avoid a tipping point in climate disaster. But it's the multitude of voices that matter most.

And that's where you come in.

If you are 35 years or younger and have 5 minutes, please fill out this survey, which we are using as a pipeline to identify and build leadership among young workers in the labor and climate movements.

You can also share this survey with others by forwarding it to someone you know or amplify using our social toolkit. You can also retweet this.

Thank you for your solidarity and support!