Mrs. Shelley Stonecipher
Students A-K
Ms. Sally Siela
Students L-Z
Did you know that...
-February is African American History Month
-Groundhog Day is in February
-National Pizza day occurs in February
-The Violet and the Primrose are February's Birth Flowers
February 5th - Progress Reports posted to Skyward
KVMS Science Fair!
February 14th- Make up day or No School
February 17th - No school!
The KVMS Guidance Department was awarded a grant from the Cheryl Lyn Welter Foundation! Funds will be used to help serve some of our KVMS students. Thank you Mrs. Stonecipher and the Cheryl Lyn Welter Foundation!
ROAR Cards & Drawings
KVMS will continue handing out ROAR Cards this year to those students who embody our core values of Responsibility, Ownership, Awareness and Respect. Students can enter each card earned into a drawing for a prize! Start earning your cards today!
Things to Be in the Know About at KVMS
-March 24th - 28th No School
-March 12th- End of Quarter 3
-March 21st - Quarter 3 Report Cards Posted in Skyward