Congratulations to the remarkable graduating class of 2018! Your dedication, hard work, and perseverance have led you to this incredible milestone. As you step into the world beyond these academic walls, carry with you the lessons learned, the friendships forged, and the knowledge gained during your time here. Embrace the challenges ahead with confidence, knowing that your education has equipped you to navigate the complexities of the future. Your achievements are a testament to your resilience and passion. May your journey ahead be filled with endless opportunities, success, and fulfillment. We are immensely proud of your accomplishments and wish you all the very best in your future endeavors. Congratulations once again on this momentous achievement! 

In a collaborative effort, the Insolvency Law Academy (ILA) and Kathmandu University School of Law proudly announced the inauguration of the Centre for Insolvency Studies. The ceremony unfolded at the Glass House in Dhulikhel.

The establishment of the Centre for Insolvency Studies at Kathmandu University School of Law marks a significant leap forward in legal academia, promising to be a beacon of research, innovation, and knowledge exchange in the realm of insolvency law. 

Kathmandu University School of Law (KUSoL) successfully hosted the First International Conference on Federalism in Nepal from November 22 to 23, 2023, at The Malla Hotel in Kathmandu. The conference, titled "International Conference on Federalism, Devolution of Power, and Inclusive Democracy in Nepal and Asia," provided a crucial platform for national and international experts and policymakers to engage in in-depth discussions on the intricacies of federal governance.

The conference focused on three key themes, with participants engaging in discussions on mechanisms for seamless collaboration and coordination among various tiers of government within federal structures, strategies for fair fiscal practices and optimal utilization of state resources, and fostering inclusivity in decision-making processes within decentralized structures.

Organized with support from the Subnational Governance Program (SNGP), implemented by The Asia Foundation under a strategic partnership with The Australian Government, the conference aimed to address challenges pertaining to intergovernmental relations, ensure equitable resource distribution, and formulate effective solutions to enhance the inclusivity of federalized governance. The event critically examined Nepal's efforts in implementing its federal governance model and offered comparative knowledge and experiences from the Asia Pacific region and beyond.

More details about the conference are availabe at