
Kerala School of Mathematics (KSoM)

Glimpses into Mathematics is a series of programs at Kerala School of Mathematics for providing opportunities to students at the MSc level to have a look into advanced topics in mathematics and familiarize themselves with research topics. These lectures are given by experts in various areas spanning a duration of one to two weeks.

Selection Process

The selection will be based on your scores in your previous degree program, and on the recommendation letter sent by the head of the department of the applicant’s current institution. Only those applications received through the online form will be considered (visit the corresponding page for applying to the program). Selected candidates will be informed through email. 

The next edition of Glimpses into Mathematics is being organized from 06th January to 10th January, 2025 on Integral Binary Quadratic Forms

Applications are now open. Click here for more details.

For any queries write to 

Glimpses into Mathematics will not qualify towards UGC requirement of faculty development program for faculty members.