Summer Trainings

Summer Trainings email sent April 23, 2018

Good Afternoon Kays!!!

It’s hard to believe that there are only 24 more wake-ups! 24 more days to spend with our wonderful students! 24 more days to teach and reach the children that we are charged with!!!

At this time of year, I start to think about next school year, what projects I want to do, what new skills I want to learn, rearranging the classroom, meeting the new students, and all the fun of meeting a new bunch of eager learners!! With that in mind, I have designed FOUR half day sessions to help meet your needs as learners and teachers! Two of them are on Google Classroom, the first is the basics with the second being more advanced. Two of them are designed for the High School teachers to help meet their needs regarding the New Learning that they will be doing next school year, Video in the Classroom and Online Discussions and Collaboration.

Summer Trainings 2018

Each training has three dates to choose from in June and will be held at LCC in room 101. There is a registration link in the flyers, please fill it out so we can plan accordingly!

Please see the attached flyer for more information, or reach out! That’s what I’m here for!!!

Google Classroom 101

The basics of Google Classroom from how to create a class, adding students, personalizing your class, and adding materials.

Teachers will be required to create at least one class, personalize it, & add materials to the course.

Google Classroom 102

More advanced learning & use of Google Classroom including, creating assignments, asking questions, grading work, leaving feedback, sharing to classroom from other

Video in the Classroom

Video is an extremely powerful tool in the classroom! Learn how to:

    1. Create your own videos
    2. Create a YouTube Playlist
    3. Have students use video tools to uncover their thinking

Online Discussions

Whether you see your students face to face every day or only once a week, online collaboration and discussion is an essential part of the classroom. In this session we will discuss various methods and ways to facilitate those discussions & activities, as well as creating a positive and easy to manage feedback loop, including:

1. Google Sites

2. Socrative

3. Google Classroom

4. shared Google Docs and Slides

By Popular Demand!!!

Due to popular demand we have added two more trainings! Smart Board and Notebook Basics and Google Slides 101. These two trainings will be offered only once, on Tuesday, June 5th. You can register in the form below!

Google Slides 101

Educators will learn the basic functions of Google slides. At the end of the presentation, each participant will be able to create a slideshow adding new slides, changing the themes or background colors, inserting images, making animations, and adding links.

Smart Board and Notebook Basics

Educators will learn the basic functions of Smart Interactive Whiteboard and Notebook software. The training will teach the hardware components of the interactive whiteboard. Then go on to learn basic design in Notebook software by adding images and interactivity to lesson activities by using the Smart free resources.