End of Year

G Drive

This year, like every year, teachers laptops will be collected and updated. The difference this year though is that we are updating all of our laptops to Windows 10. This means that everything that is on the laptop, whether it is the desktop or the C drive, will be erased! That might be a problem for some. In order to make sure that you don't lose anything we are asking that you save everything that you want to your G drive.

Why G Drive? What about my I Drive?

G Drive is another name for your Google Drive! It was added as a drive, just like your I drive, to your computer this Spring. You can save and add folders to it just like you do any other drive on your computer. The bonus is that you can access it anywhere that you have internet and it has UNLIMITED storage!

I drives on the other hand are limited to 10 GB and can only be accessed at school. This can cause issues when working at conferences, workshops, or from home.

So how do I save to my G Drive?

You can save to your G Drive just like you do to any other drive. You'll need to select it as an option, rather than I drive, desktop, or computer.

Moving my desktop files to G Drive...

The video below is a walk through of how to save desktop items to your G Drive. Please make sure that everything is synced before handing in your laptop.

Saving to G Drive.webm

How do I know that it 'synced'?

Sync means that the information has successfully been added to your Google Drive and can safely be removed from your laptop. There are several ways to check if it has synced.

One way is in the Files Library, see if there is a cloud icon or a circle icon on the item. The circle means it is still syncing, the cloud means it is synced.


Still Syncing

Checking Sync Status in G Drive.webm

Another way is in the lower right hand corner, near the clock, is a little triangle. When you click that, a box appears! Inside that box you will find a blue Google Drive icon. Click on it! This will let you know what is being synced or if everything is synced!

After you have removed items from your desktop, make sure to then move them into your Recycle Bin so that you know they have been taken care of!

I can't find my G Drive!

If your G Drive is not showing up in your Files Library, there is no need to panic! This video will show you how to find it and sign in to it.

1. Click on the Windows button

2. In the Search box, type Drive File Stream

3. The blue Google Drive icon should appear in the search. Click on it

4. Sign into Google using your school district credentials

You now have your G Drive!

Finding Your G Drive.webm

When and where do I turn my laptop in?

Teachers will turn their laptops in to an assigned tech on the last day of school. As Tuesday, May 29th approaches we will provide more information on the exact location for each building.

But I need my laptop this summer?

That's great!! We love that teachers are wanting to work over the summer, attending trainings, workshops, and writing curriculum. Fill out the form below and we'll let you know your individualized plan!