Academic Profile and Portfolio of a Teaching Staff @KOU

About Me

Wali M Hamad

Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is Wali M. Hamad. I am a Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Health, Koya University. I was the President of Koya University during the period (2015-2022). Also, I am an Executive Editor of ARO-The Scientific Journal of Koya University

I got my Ph.D. degree in the field of physical chemistry (Liquid crystal) at the University of Baghdad in 2001. I have served as dean of the Koya Technical Institute from May 2004 to November 2010. I am an active member of the Teacher Federation and the Physics and Chemistry Society of Kurdistan. 

I have a number of published scientific articles and books in the field of physical chemistry, and advanced thermodynamics as well as in fields of cultural science and politics which appeared in numerous peer-reviewed national and international journals and magazines. In addition, I many papers that presented in numerous internationally peer reviewed conferences. 

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