To/From Kookmin University (국민대학교)
Bus is the most effective way of traveling to Kookmin University (국민대학교) w/o transfer and there is one non-stop bus (153) from Gireum New Town bus stop (Bus stop number 8003) - five minute from the studio.
Also, non-stop buses (Bus 7211 and 1213) from Gireum Station (Bus stop number 8124)
Here is the easy to follow Bus information
Westbound to Kookmin University (국민대학교) bus stop (Bus Stop Number 8110) from Gireum New Town bus stop (Bus stop number 8003): Bus number 153 - 7 bus stops in between and each stop takes about 1-2 minutes – Total travel time expected 10-15 minutes.
Westbound to Kookmin University (국민대학교) bus stop (Bus Stop Number 8110) from Gireum Station bus stop (Bus stop number 8124): Bus number 153, 7211, and 1213 - 7 bus stops in between and each stop takes about 1-2 minutes – Total travel time expected 10-15 minutes.
Eastbound from Kookmin University (국민대학교) bus stop (Bus Stop Number 8108) to Gireum New Town bus stop (Bus stop number 8004): Bus number 153 - 7 bus stops in between and each stop takes about 1-2 minutes – Total travel time expected 10-15 minutes.
Eastbound from Kookmin University (국민대학교) bus stop (Bus Stop Number 8008) to Jongam Police bus stop (Bus stop number 8127): Bus number 153, 7211, and 1213 - 7 bus stops in between and each stop takes about 1-2 minutes – Total travel time expected 10-15 minutes.