Academic Profile of a Teaching Staff at Knowledge University

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Yazen Nafea Mahmood

Assistant Lecturer

Yazen Nafea Mahmood joined the Knowledge University in November 2017. He is currently Lecturer at the department of Administration. He was awarded M.A in (Management Information System) from the Mosul University in 2014. His areas of teaching are Academic Teaching, examination committee, quality committee, audit committee.


Full Name: Yazen Nafi Mahmood

Academic Rank: Assistant Lecturer

Qualification: Mcs in Management Information System

Post: Lecturer

Department: Business

Mobile phone: (+964) - (0) 751 798 7533



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  1. Leadership and Change Management . 1st semester. Department of Administration

  2. Human Resource Management.3rd semester . Department of Administration

  3. Logistic Management .5th semester .Department of Administration

  4. Knowledge Management .4th semester ..Department of Administration

  5. Quality Management .4th semester ..Department of Administration

Selected Publications ... Click to see the ORCID-based CV

Journal Papers:

  1. Karem, M. A., Mahmood, Y. N., Jameel, A. S., & Ahmad, A. R. (2019). The effect of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on nurses’ performance. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews. eISSN, 2395-6518.

  2. Jameel, A. S., Mahmood, Y. N., & J Jwmaa, S. (2020). Organizational justice and organizational commitment among secondary school teachers. DOI: 10.24086/cuejhss.vol4n1y2020.pp1-6

  3. Raewf, M. B., & Mahmood, Y. N. (2021). The Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. Cihan University-Erbil Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 1-6. DOI: 10.24086/cuejhss.vol5n1y2021.1-6

4- Raewf, M. B., Mahmood, Y. N., & Jaafar, A. J. (2021). The Impact of People in Cooperation on Cooperative Management of the Private Sector. UKH Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 50-57.

Portfolio and Continuous Academic Development

PF&CAD Scientific Activities

PF&CAD Scientific Activities

PF&CAD Scientific Activities

PF&CAD Scientific Activities

PF&CAD Scientific Activities

PF&CAD Scientific Activities

Academic Profile of a Teaching Staff at Knowledge University