Academic Profile of a Teaching Staff at Knowledge University

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Falah Hussein Khalaf

Outline Biography:

Born in Mosul City, Iraq in 1950, Educated (primary and secondary schools ) in Mosul. B.Sc. in Geology in 1973 from Mosul University, College of Pure Science ., Geology Department. Iraqi Government Scholarship Grant to Britain From the Ministry of Oil and Minerals in 1974. 1975 started a postgraduate study in Sheffield University, Geology Department, South Yorkshire, England. Finished a Ph. D. degree in Geology in 1979.

Appointed in the Ministry of Oil, Oil Exploration Company in April 1980.

Retired Expert from the Ministry of Oil, Oil Exploration Company, Baghdad, Iraq with 28 years of experience (1980-2008).Head of the Geological and Geochemical Dept.

Deputy Director of the Geological Organization in Oil Exploration Company.(2003-2008)

Published ( 33 ) papers in inside and outside scientific journals. Worked on and supervised more than( 75) internal unpublished studies Petroleum Potential, stratigraphy and petrophysical studies on oil well all over Iraq, and participated in many scientific conferences inside and outside Iraq. Supervised seven (7) postgraduate students ( M.Sc. and Ph.D.) in Baghdad, Mosul and Sallahidden Universities. Participated in more than (40 ) Examination committee for M.Sc. and Ph.D. Students in different Iraqi Universities. Participated in many committees (Company and Ministry levels ) during my carrier.·

(2012-until now)Assist. Prof. in Knowledge University ( Previously Hayat University for Science and Technology) Department of Petroleum Engineering. Erbil, Kurdistan, Iraq. *.Department Head 2014-2017

· (2007-2012 )Assist. Prof. in The Syrian International Private University For Science and Technology-College of Petroleum Engineering. Head of the petroleum geology department.

· (2003-2007) Expert / Geologist/ Deputy Director of Geological Section.Manager of Exploration Research and Laboratories Dept., Oil Exploration Company, Ministry Of Oil, Baghdad, IRAQ.

· (1998-2003) Deputy Director of Exploration Research and Laboratories Dept. and Head of Petrophysical Section, Oil Exploration Company, Ministry of Oil, IRAQ.


Full Name: Falah Hussain Khalaf

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

Qualification: Ph.D. in Geology

Post: Lecturer

Department: Petroleum Engineering

Mobile phone: (+964) - (0) 750 9312374


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1.Structural Geology, Third semester, Department of Petroleum

2.Well Logging ,fifth semester, Department of Petroleum

3.Petroleum Geology,fourth semester, Department of Petroleum

4.Subsurface Exploration.sixth semester, Department of Petroleum

Selected Publications ... Click to see the ORCID-based CV

Journal Papers:

  1. Wria J.Mamaseni , Srood F.Naqeshbandi ,Falah Khalaf Aljubori 2018, Petrophysical Properties of the Early Cretaceous Formations in the Shaikhan Oilfield /Northern Iraq, EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL 22 (No.1), 45-52

  2. THE AKKAS FORMATION : A New Name For A Paleozoic(Silurian) Lithostratigraphic Unit In Iraq, Falah H. Khalaf Al-jubori,Akram K. Youhanna, MuhammedA. Alrubaii 1998, Iraqi Geological Journal. Geologists Union ,Republic of Iraq. 30 (special

3-FH Khalaf 1995, Silurian Organi-Walled microfossils from Risha Area ,Jordan., Iraqi Geological Journal, vol. 28, no. 2, issued in 1997, Baghdad, Iraq.

4-Falah H. Khalaf Al-jubori (B.Sc., Ph.D.) 1, Akram K. Youkhana (B.Sc., Ph.D.) 2, Srood F. Naqshabandi (B.Sc., Ph.D.) 3, Dyana A. Bayz, 2020, (.BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC CORRELATION OF PALEOZOIC ROCKS IN NORTHERN AND WESTERN IRAQ., International Journal of Research Granthaalayah ,Vol.8 ,Issue. 3,2020.

5-Yahya Al-Haba,Adnan Al-Samurae ,Falah H. Khalaf Al-Jubori, Naema Najeb 1994, Exploration of Paleozoic Strata in Western Iraq‏, The Second Technical Workshop on Hydrocarbon Potential for the deep seated …‏

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