Student Resources
Student Self-Referral Form
To see a counselor for a non-emergency situation, please click on your grade below to fill out the in-person student self-referral form.
Everything you share with your school counselor stays confidential unless someone is hurting you, you want to hurt someone else, you want to hurt yourself, or you give permission to share the information with another trusted adult.
Regardless of your grade, fill out the "Student Needs Assessment" below!
Your school counselors are using this form to better plan for the 2024- 2025 school year and will keep your answers confidential.
Suicide Prevention Information and Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support. Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network Crisis Text LineText “"988" to be connected to a crisis counselor. The line will provide immediate support and referrals for suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, child and domestic abuse, substance abuse, eating disorders, human trafficking and more.
Mental Health Association of East Tennessee
The Mental Health Association of East Tennessee is a 501 (C)3 non profit organization dedicated to educating the community about mental health issues. Tennessee Suicide Prevention
Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network (TSPN)
TSPN is the statewide public-private organization responsible for implementing the Tennessee Strategy for Suicide Prevention as defined by the 2001 National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.