Rylee Capra

The Very Great, Most Wonderful, Happy School Day Ever

I got up and got ready for school on October 10, 2022. I had stayed all night with my GG and Papa Jim. My mom was out of town. I knew my dad was supposed to be coming home soon from his deployment but I didn’t know exactly when I would get to see him. I dressed in red, white and blue along with my sisters for Patriotic Day that they were having at school to honor Veterans and First Responders. They called students up that had parents there that were being honored. I got called up with my sisters and cousins to be honored because my Dad was away on deployment. When we were being recognized Mr. Cornett asked us what we would like to do when we saw our Dad when he got home. I said I would like to hug him. My sister Adalee said she would like to play hide and seek with him. My sister Callie said she would like to sing to him. Mr. Cornett asked Callie if she wanted to sing to him right now. She laughed and said no. That's when I looked up and saw my dad for the first time in 10 months and I was able to give him that hug that I said I would when he got home. It was the very best school day ever. I was so happy that he was finally home and I got to hug him.