AP Physics 1

Teacher Voice

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AP Physics 1 is a preparation for most college-level introductory physics courses with a focus on the following topics: kinematics in one and two dimensions, dynamics in one and two dimensions, simple harmonic and circular motion, work and energy, linear and angular momentum, rotational motion, waves and sound, electrostatic forces and current. AP Physics 1 covers in one year half of the content covered in on-level physics going into more detail on these topics throughout the course of the year.

Emphasis will be placed on understanding physical science literacy and applying physics concepts to think critically and solve problems. Algebra, geometry and trigonometry are the primary mathematical tools for problem solving. Science literacy is the process of both knowing physics and applying physics. Hands-on laboratory and the scientific notebook will be emphasized. The scope and sequence of this course is designed to fully prepare the student for the College Board AP Physics exam in May. It is highly suggested to take both AP Physics 1 and then AP Physics 2 to gain a full understanding of all physics concepts.

Student Voice

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"I liked the challenge that Physics one gave me and how the class made me think. The class not only allowed me to improve mathematically but also gave me a better understanding of how the world worked. The class might be hard but it is better to take challenging classes rather than easy ones because you will learn in depth concepts and pick up more information." -

"I like how we get to apply the algebra that we learned in real world situations which gave me a better understanding of mathematics. I remember collaborating in groups to solve problem. For students going into AP Physics 1, it will seems hard in the beginning of the year, but it will get easier because all the topics are essentially the same principle interpreted different ways." -

"I liked how most of the things we learned in class could be applied to real world situations. The class was more discussion based than lecture which is something I like because you can learn not only from the teacher but from your fellow classmates as well but most importantly you can have your voice heard when you need help in a particular topic. I remember doing labs that helped me better comprehend what we were learning in AP Physics 1. Sometimes I would have trouble picturing the problem that we were trying to solve so doing labs always helped me have a better understanding of what we were learning. I highly recommend student to take AP Physics 1 because it will help you have a good foundation for Physics if you plan to do engineering when you graduate high school." -

"AP Physics 1 was extremely different from any other class I had taken. It blends an emphasis on calculations with a focus on conceptual topics. Essentially it necessitates both quantitative and qualitative thinking. Because of this, AP Physics 1 was a class that was very stimulating for my brain. What I liked about the course was the fact that it helped explain natural phenomena. Physics in essence is how humans explain how the universe functions--from something as mundane as a ball rolling down the hill to the power generated by the sun - AP Physics 1 can explain it. I distinctively remember deriving my first equation in AP Physics 1. It was the derivation of a specialized kinematic equation from the most fundamental kinematic equation. It was so amazing that the new mathematical formula that I was able to tease out matched almost perfectly with observed phenomena. To students who haven't taken AP Physics 1 yet, I would recommend that if you love math or just knowing things you should take AP Physics 1. You will have to put in the work, but that is part of the experience. The results of the hard work are always worth it." -

What happens in class?

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Lessons travel through teacher led introduction and demonstrations to multi-media based tutorials, assignments and inquiry based labs. Work is group based, student centered and grounded in a professionally developed curriculum resource. Curriculum is enhanced through the use of College Board materials and online learning resources. We foster an environment in which the students and teacher work together to tackle challenges in science, mathematics and life.