Grading in Music

Your Child's Grade in Music

The types of assignments that are graded in music will vary depending on the student's age and grade level. ALL music students are graded on their participation during class. Most of what we do requires students to sing, play, move, listen and work together to create music during class. If a student is not participating, they are not learning.

Grades K-2:

  • Students will be graded based on a standard set for their grade level.

Grades 3-5:

  • 50% of the student's grade is based on Major Grades: Daily Participation and Active Listening Exercises/Music Listening Assessments
  • 50 % of the student's grade is based on Minor Grades: Singing Assessments, Writing, Playing Instruments, and Steady Beat Assessments

What do the grades mean:

  • E or A(90-100)- Consistently displays evidence of mastering the skill. Works and performs at a consistently high level. Participates in the entire class.
  • S or B(80-89) - Displays evidence that the skill is mastered most of the time. Works and performs at a moderate level. Participates for most of the class.
  • N or C/D(70-79)- Displays evidence that the skill is still being learned and practiced. Works and performs at a low level. Participates for some of class.
  • U or F(69 and below)- Displays no evidence of learning or practicing the skill. Student doesn't work or perform at appropriate level. Does not participate in class.