AP Macro Economics

Teacher Voice

This course is the study of the overall economy. We study economy-wide phenomena such as inflation, price levels, rate of economic growth, national income, gross domestic product (GDP), and changes in unemployment. It is good for those who want a basic understanding of how our economy works and how government actions can affect it.

Student Voice

I thought this class was going to be about money or something like that, but it turns out there is a lot more to it. This class has provided me with a lot of valuable information for my adult life. I really enjoy this class and would recommend that all underclassmen consider taking it.

AP Macroeconomics opens your eyes to the way the world really works. It taught me about how the money travels through our country and from hand to hand. I never realized how much I did not understand about the economy until I took this class.

You should take AP Macroeconomics to be better prepared for their future. Its a good class to learn real world information that is applicable outside of the classroom.