AP Enviro Science

Teacher Voice

If you think you are woke now, wait until you take this class! In AP Environmental Science, we learn about our planet and the environmental, economic, and social issues surrounding it. We cover it all: species extinction, climate change, our current water crisis, where our food comes from, nonrenewable and renewable energy, plastics, and many, many more. My goal is to teach you all to be more aware about the Earth and how we can make the world a greener, better place for ourselves and for future generations. You may be wondering the difference between this class and Environmental Systems. This class is more advanced, goes at a much faster pace, and will require a lot of hard work and effort. You will get the opportunity to earn college credit by passing the AP exam in May of next year. Take APES, and let's get woke together!

Student Voice

It's a very intuitive class. It's an interactive learning curriculum.

The class is very relevant to current issues/ topics. It would be good for underclassmen to learn about or be exposed to it.

The class is very easy and also very fun. That should be all you should need to know that joining is the best decision you will ever make.

What happens in this class?


KISD Course Description