Behavior Management

Counselor Support

The counseling department is highly involved in supporting behavior management on our campus. We work with students and teachers to tackle problem behaviors, find the root of the issue, and support healthy classroom management. Most of the time, behavior issues are related to social or emotional skill development. If you feel your student needs more support in social emotional learning and development, please reach out to the teacher or a counselor.

Nurtured Heart Approach

This relationship model is the standard for our staff when interacting with students. The approach focuses on setting clear boundaries and expectations, being intentional about focusing on positive character traits, and avoiding the pitfalls of focusing on negativity. All teachers have been trained in the approach and have access to a certified trainer to assist in the more difficult interactions.

Restorative Practices

Restorative Practices is a school behavior model that focuses on strengthening relationships between people and building social and emotional skills such as active listening, self-regulation, and empathy. Every classroom participates in community circles, and all staff members have been trained to use Restorative Practices as a way to solve conflict, reduce bullying, and restore relationships within the classroom.

The counselors are also available to assist in restorative practices as needed.