Ms. Bradfield's

Art Room

My Classroom

Hello my name is Ms. Bradfield and I am the K-12 art teacher for Kingsville R-I School District. I run all online classwork through Google Classroom. If you need to find out anything about my classroom in the event we do not have school you can find it there. I have enclosed the link to Google classroom below as well as my email contact in the event you are having issues with Google Classroom that I need to fix for you.

Instructions for Google Classroom: All high school classes already have accepted google classroom requests from me. Elementary students probably have not. If your elementary student needs to access their google classroom I have sent an invitation to all of them that will show up in their email. Please follow the instructions given in the email to join the class.

Google Link:


For the health and safety of our staff Kingsville has sent out a notification that they will no longer be sending out paper materials. If you have little internet access and cannot access Google Classroom I will be leaving a list of drawing activities for Elementary, High School and Middle School. All I ask is that students give there best attempt to keep drawing skills up.

Week 3 : If you cannot access the Internet


Kindergarten: Draw an imaginary animal.

1st Grade :Draw a bouquet of flowers.

2nd Grade :Draw your favorite thing to play.

3rd Grade :Draw your favorite holiday.

4th Grade :Draw the best gift you could ever get.

5th Grade :Draw the best vacation you could ever go on.

6th Grade :Draw an island that contains only stuff about you.

Middle School

8th grade : Draw your dream vehicle to drive.

High School

Ceramics: Write down 3 Vocabulary words that you have learned this year that are only used for Ceramics.

Art 1: Draw something you would find outdoors.

Drawing and Painting: Draw something you find indoors.

Week 4 : 4/13-18


Kindergarten: Draw something that makes you happy

1st: Draw something that you could not live without.

2nd:Draw someone who helps you.

3rd:Draw something that makes you happy

4th: Draw something you love to do.

5th : Draw something you think is fun.

6th: Draw something you are thankful for.

Middle School

8th : Draw your favorite memory

High School

Art 1: Listen to a piece of music and draw how that music makes you feel. (Don't overthink it)

Ceramics: Draw an artwork that would make a good sculpture piece.

Drawing and Painting: Draw a dream you have had.

Week 5


Kindergarten : Draw your favorite food.

First Grade: Draw and color your favorite dessert

Second Grade : Draw and color the prettiest thing you have ever seen.

Third Grade:Draw a car of the future

Fourth Grade:Draw a place you have been before.

Fifth Grade:Draw a picture that represents and emotion to you. It could be any emotion.

Sixth Grade:Draw a representation of a holiday of your choice.

Middle School

8th:Draw a vehicle of the future.

High School

Ceramics: Draw a teapot that is strange or unusual this teapot should function but look unlike any teapot you have ever seen before. Remember this should be able to be turned into a clay piece.

Art 1: Draw a place you have been to before or one you have wished you could go to.

Drawing and Painting : Draw 1 animal that has characteristics of 2 animals for example a Pegasus is a horse combined with a bird.

Week 6


K- Draw and color a flower garden.

1st- Draw and color a flower garden and the bugs you would find in it.

2nd- Draw and color a bug that contains symmetry (remember symmetry means same on both sides).

3rd-Draw and color something you like to do outside.

4th- Draw and color your favorite animal real or imaginary.... yes you can draw Pokemon!

5th- draw a map to an amusement park that you create.

6th- draw and color the packaging to a new product you have invented.

Middle School

8th- Draw another mask just like we did for our last project except choose a different design and purpose.

High School

Art 1- Find an object that has a lot of shadows and highlights and try to draw that object with its shadows and highlights on the drawing. If you are haivng trouble seeing the highlights and shadows remember the squinting technique. Also shining a lamp on the object and turning out the overhead lights helps a lot!


What are the 3 components of clay ?

What did early humans use clay for ? You may list out multiple uses.

What do we use to keep clay permanent?

Drawing and Painting-

Week 7


K: Draw a picture using only primary colors red,blue,and yellow.

1st: Draw a picture of the best vacation real or imaginary.

2nd:Draw a picture and color it using secondary colors green,purple and orange.

3rd:Draw a self portrait.

4th:Draw someone in action for example running,skipping or jumping.

5th:Draw a picture of a face and make that face look like it has an emotion this could be a cartoon even but play with the expressions of the face for example make them happy, angry,sad ect...

6th: Listen t your favorite song a draw what comes to mind while you listen you can even color it using this same method.

Middle School

8th: Draw and color a repetitive pattern.

High School

Ceramics: Write down 3 uses clay has been used for through out history.

Art 1: Draw a repetitive pattern.

Drawing and Painting: Draw in your favorite style and using your favorite subject matter.