Staff Wellbeing

Positive staff wellbeing can increase productivity and engagement, improve people's job satisfaction, and help to reduce absence from work – and it means that staff are better able, in turn, to support their pupils. We aim to create a culture where all staff have the confidence to talk openly about mental health & wellbeing. Our mantra is 'Put on your own oxygen mask before you help others with theirs'. We believe that if you are in a good place you are better placed to help others.

This is what we already have in place:

Employee Assistance Programme

Each member of staff is entitled to six counselling sessions per year. Staff can refer themselves by contacting the provider directly. They can contact the service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The service is confidential, and staff will be asked to confirm the name of the school they work in. When contacting the service staff should ensure they are in a location where they can talk freely, and that they have time for a short conversation with the service.

Wellbeing Leads

We currently have 9 wellbeing staff leads who meet termly to discuss the wellbeing of all staff. As a result of these meetings an action plan is completed which is solution based & is then shared with the leadership team, who discuss the content & then feedback to the Mental Health Lead. Each lead has between 5-7 staff in their group with who they check in with regularly. This allows all staff to share their concerns in a manageable & productive way.

Free access to Headspace resources

All staff have a free subscription to the headspace app for meditation & mindfulness.

Staff training

All staff receive mental health & wellbeing training at the start of the year to enable them to have the tools not only to be able to help themselves but to have the skills & confidence to support the students when required. Time to Change also came in & delivered some training to some key members of staff.

Regular Staff Surveys

This provides staff with the opportunities to have their say in a safe & non-judgemental environment. They allow for a sense of ownership & responsibility & provide invaluable resources to help the leadership team understand what is working well within the establishment & to highlight those areas where more time & resources are needed in order to promote positive change.

Staff Social Events

These include, Fun Friday Activities, running club, after school gatherings, annual celebrations, break time hub, & more recently virtual games night.

Self assessment

If you are concerned about anxiety and depression affecting you, you can engage in a self assessment tool to help you make decisions as to what to do next.

Please find below a bank of resources to help support your mental wellbeing:

General wellbeing resources - Huge range of wellbeing resources

12 rocks checklist.png - A guide to how to look after your mental health - work- life balance - how to stay calm in a global pandemic - how to be mentally healthy at work - NHS advice effective ways to look after your mental health & wellbeing - specially focused on the pandemic - how to build wellbeing

Bereavement Support - bereavement support

Please also see the link for bereavement support


Track your menopausal symptoms with this doctor approved table. If you need to see a Doctor make sure you see a Doctor who has a knowledge and interest in Women's health. take your husband or partner with you if you don't feel strong enough; you can take someone with you.

We also have a Menopause Policy in the non statutory area of the staff handbook.

Book list -

Sleep Clinic

Lack of sleep is a symptom of something else. Insomnia is not a medical condition, it is a symptom of something else so you need to get to the root cause. - Advice & information on how to get a better night's sleep

In Crisis

If you are in crisis please text SHOUT to 85828 and someone will contact you.

Bereavement support

Sussex Bereaved by Suicide Service – Pan Sussex service for all ages.

Cruse offers a triage service to adults and children in Sussex, who have been bereaved by suicide or possible suicide - please call us on 07376 616628 or email and we will get back to you within two working days.

School specific support after suicide:

Samaritans - Step by Step

Papyrus – Save the Class

CYP specific

Papyrus -

E-wellbeing (YMCA) - - is an NHS approved digital wellbeing service, and it provides advice, support and a clear pathway to local services in Sussex for any person in need of mental health support

Winston’s Wish service can be accessed via the bereavement service above, useful information on website.

Allsorts - We support & empower children & young people under 26 who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or unsure (LGBTU) of their sexual orientation and/or gender

Other sources of support

E wellbeing - is an NHS approved digital wellbeing service, and it provides advice, support and a clear pathway to local services in Sussex for any person in need of mental health support

Samaritans -

Mind Out - We work to improve the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTQ communities and to make mental health a community concern

Warning Signs Campaign - which links to:

Sussex Mental Health Helpline - 0800 0309 500 The Sussex Mental Healthline is a 24/7 telephone service offering listening support, advice, information and signposting to anyone experiencing difficulties with their mental health.

Pathfinder - advice, information and services to support your mental health and wellbeing or supporting someone else.

Help is at Hand - A resource for people bereaved through suicide or other unexplained death, and for those helping them

Supporting others:

Supporting others



Witnesses -

Guidance for the media

Samaritans -